Almost all small drone cameras have cheapo plastic lenses, that said: for what they are, they serve their purpose admirably well. Your Huawei shares exactly the same Leica Schott glass lens as the Autel NANO+ as well as an almost identical RYYB sensor and the C/A's that threw out with the RAW's were horrendous. Huawei were aware of the problems with the weird sensor and the lens and ironed the bugs out almost immediately (something Autel STILL hasn't sorted).
I use Microsoft ICE v 2 for panoramics assembled from JPG's as that is blisteringly fast, highly accurate more often than not and can assemble complex pano's to near gigapixel level (the best for this is still HUGIN but it's awkward to use). ICE v.2 has some other impressive tricks up its sleeve as well.
The "48mp" DNG's are all I shoot now with the
mini 3 pro as I find these a real snap to work through the post process. I'll work on the basic RAW aberration correction and enhancement with PHOTONINJA, then output to 32bit floating point TIFF. From there I run the uncompressed TIFF through Darktable for the fine tweaking and polishing before output to 8bit JPG final.
Photoninja is the only paid-ware I use and it's well worth every penny as a RAW editor - using its range of tools you can also build a custom LCP that is completely accurate and totally specific to any camera/lens you own. You can also 'train' it to correct the C/A and vignetting peculiar to your camera(s).
Scaling up any digital image is interpolation and unless you have an unforgiving eye: you'll always be disappointed. I think this really is A.I territory with TOPAZ A.I being the best currently available.