So prop pilot, how do you find it is for brightness.. I've been using the acer iconia one for quite a few flights, and I've had no issues, works great. However this winter its been very grey and foggy everytime i've flown it. This saturday however it was bright and sunny, and I couldnt see the screen, maybe 5% vision, except for on map view was ok. Today it was a bit cloudy but not grey and I took it out again, and still very difficult to see. I tried to hold it on the shady side of my body and I have it on full bright, I dont know if something happened to it or this weekend has just been brighter than my past flights.. as it is its no good to me. I cant say another product would work better as I have nothing to compare to, other than I should've tried my phone. A hood may help.
How do you find it on bright days?
How do you find it on bright days?