from my experience, the key to passing the test is a solid understanding of airspace and charts. many of the questions involve both; they point you to an area on a sectional chart and ask 'can you fly here?'. the answer lies in 'what airspace are you in?'. airspace is most certainly confusing. chart reading is more straightforward but the charts are really crammed with little details and lots of information; colors, dashed vs solid lines and little symbols are very important. this isn't something you'll master after a couple of sessions. it requires a good amount of study and periodic review to stay on top of it.
a good pictorial of airspace, IMHO, can be found at
The Mystery of US sUAS Airspace. i also recommend getting a real sectional chart. doesn't have to be the latest one but it should be close. spend some time studying ALL of the sections of the chart; there's a wealth of information on them. they can be confusing at first and clarity comes with time. if you're close to a regional or county airport you can possibly get one there.
my approach was to review the airspace and sectional definitions and then take as many practice exams as i could find, figure out why i missed the ones i did, review, take another practice exam... lather, rinse, repeat. like everything else available on the internet, some are better than others. one of the better ones, IMHO, can be found at
Section 107.73 Initial & Recurrent Knowledge Test (with practice questions!)
i also found that the FAA exams are like other exams in that the questions include a lot of information that just isn't important. i learned to read the last sentence first since this tells you what you need to answer. then go back and read the entire question and you can easily filter out the 'noise'. it works for me.
like anything else patience and attention to detail are important. good luck with the test; i'm sure you'll do fine.