Hey everyone,
Reading this with great interest. I spent hours reading the FAA doc, specifically looking for how this will work in remote areas with zero cellular and zero WiFi. For example, if I am off the coast of California shooting migrating whales with my drone, I usually have no connection in any way. Same with shooting in remote, mountainous areas and deep desert locations. So assuming by the time all of this comes to fruition and I, we, everyone has RID compliant drones, I could not find any language that talks about this scenario and how it would work. They mention that it was a big topic of frustration with many during the public response periods, but I just don't see how the drone would be able to fly in this common circumstance and be compliant. In laymen terms, can anyone explain how this scenario is supposed to work? I'm in a remote location. I have zero WiFi. I have zero cellular connectivity. Is the circumstance that I cannot fly?