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Hi Everyone-this is only my 2nd post and I’ve only been flying at all since last March (started on fixed wings then to drones). This one is of me and my daughter flying together which resonates with me on a few levels as I taught her to fly and I also taught her to play the piano (being a musician/ music teacher) and she is playing “Up” on the piano to accompany the film. I have done a fair bit of woods filming and general stuff and I’m discovering quickly that (as I’m sure a lot of you know) ,as with recording music (or other art/ creative ventures) , It’s really helpful to have a “subject”-whether that be a river, mountain range, mountain biker/trail or in my case-me and my daughter sharing the joy of an afternoon of flying together. Being a newbee, some shots aren’t particularly smooth or amazing-but I’m trying to go for an atmosphere, tell a story and set a mood and perhaps even share some of the joy of sharing things with your children. Enjoy! – and as always, any help/ hints/tips warmly welcome! All the Best, Doug
As for the slow-mo, I’m using a mavic pro and the highest frame-rate is 25---so it does look jerky when in slow-mo. I would love to achieve better looking slo-mo by shooting in 50fps but can’t with mavic pro (unless anyone knows and tricks on how to do this better on the m pro?-----I think the m air can do 50fps? –what’s a next step in drone then?)
PPs It’s not easy following a kid flying a fixed week with a drone!
Credit and applause to "Up", composed by Michael Giacchino
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