Eliminate the relatively useless top row of featureless sky and try again with the remaining rows. Might also just try for a 180 pano to lower the number of total images to be stitched, in case it is a file size issue.Yes, the in-drone stitching for 25-image 1X panos uses the jpg files. I'm using jpgs for these stitching attempts. I didn't shoot dngs. It looks like an either/or choice between jpg and dng for the 3X pano originals; no option for both.
I don't think there's a processor power limitation, but Lightroom having difficulties. It may be having problems with too many shots of featureless blue sky. It stopped and reported 106 of 106 files can't be processed. (I'm running a Dell XPs17 Intel i9-10885H CPU @ 2.40GHz with 64 gigs of RAM.)
I can put the files up on Dropbox if you'd like to try stitching them. Just under 1.3 gb.
DJI claims Photoshop should be able to stitch the full 360, along with PTGui.

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