I was doing an inspection on some solar equipment. No big deal. I take off, do my inspection press return to home. It comes location and starts to go down but the sun is an obsticle so it goes backwards during RTH and hits a fence. Only tore up props. Scratch on the camera at the bottom but nothing broke other than a prop. I of course changed all the props but just rember dumb crap like this happens a lot if you don't pay attention and are in a hurry. As soon as I saw it going back, I should have stopped the RTH and gave it thrust but I didn't that it would back up that far. U can not believe that that is all that broke. I for sure I thought it was going to have something wrong with the gimbal at least. Nope running great, changed props finished inspection. 40 bucks for 10 min of work minus the props so that job only paid out 20 bucks but my normal inspections take about 30 minutes. I get 40 an inspection with this company. When I do them for the department of Engergy, they pay by the job too but they pay more around 150 a job. Those take anywhere from 1 hour to 2 hours.