You did something I rather like - included some low level and ground based shots such as the girl at the end. If you are making a video about a place or subject, then including all sorts of material to tell the story help. Specifically stills, anything historical and especially views from ground based angles and action cam footage. I tend to find videos of just drone footage rather samey, so having other stuff holds my interest.
The only thing I'd comment on is a couple of the shots had a change of movement - specifically where the drone stops flying or changes direction. Sometimes this works, but in general I tend to cut at the point a shot changes to leave just smooth movement.
The other thing I'd say is length, and we are all guilty of this! If we have some great footage, it's natural to include the lot. However, does it help to tell the story, or will viewers fall asleep? I did like the way you grouped shots together of areas in order to showcase different areas, and the way you transitioned between them. However, although it's hard to chop out great footage I prefer shorter videos.
You have had some feedback! Too fast, too slow, too long, too short and so on! A lot of criticism is personal preference, and what one person hates another will love, so please keep filming places you love!