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First time with Active Track on the ski hill; need help


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2017
Took the MPP for a spin at my local ski area; testing Active Track for the first time. Had a few issues, not the least of which is that there is no terrain following at all. I had to continually hold the left stick down all the way to continue to descend as the bird followed me.The thing needs a radar altimeter lol. But other than that, I had a few issues I'd appreciate input on:

When following, it seemed like it couldn't keep up, even skiing slow (5 kts or so). I had to continually manually keep it closer to me. Even stopped, I activate it, then ski away, and it hangs way too far back. Any ideas there?

Also, I couldn't figure out how to have it fly backwards in front of me. I have "enable backwards flight" enabled, but it seemed like it hung in one place as I skied under it, then turned and followed (or lost the target all together). I must be doing something wrong there. Ideas appreciated.
Instead of active track it seems like the Follow Me mode should be a better use. You need to use that feature with a device that has an embedded GPS. Cellular capable devices have the internal GPS units.
The cellular device does not need to have cellular service enabled to still make use of the internal GPS. So if you have a phone that is not on a cellular plan and dedicated it to Mavic Pro flying then this would work.
A popular choice that is noted here on the forums is the Huawei (pronounced Wa-Whey) XT2.
It fits within the Mavic Controller snugly and has the built in GPS as well as bright screen and is stable with DJIGO4 (specific versions) . Its also relatively inexpensive.

See the thread about the Wunderphone.$49 Huawei Ascend XT2 aka Wunderphone = THE best Mavic screen EVER
Instead of active track it seems like the Follow Me mode should be a better use. You need to use that feature with a device that has an embedded GPS. Cellular capable devices have the internal GPS units.
The cellular device does not need to have cellular service enabled to still make use of the internal GPS. So if you have a phone that is not on a cellular plan and dedicated it to Mavic Pro flying then this would work.
A popular choice that is noted here on the forums is the Huawei (pronounced Wa-Whey) XT2.
It fits within the Mavic Controller snugly and has the built in GPS as well as bright screen and is stable with DJIGO4 (specific versions) . Its also relatively inexpensive.

See the thread about the Wunderphone.$49 Huawei Ascend XT2 aka Wunderphone = THE best Mavic screen EVER
Thanks. I have the Wunderphone. I'm interested in Activetrack because I intend to track other skiers.
Yup, it wont descend in active track. It will ascend though.So next time you ski uphill, it will be perfect!!!
I think I was mistaken. I thought I had “enable backwards flying” enabled, but I looked in the navigation settings and the option is not even there.
Is this for the P4 only, which has rear sensors?
No, it is here with the Mavic, with a warning though to be aware of your surroundings...
Which sub menu?
Its gone!!! I just had a look at the Mavic and its not there. So I searched in the manual and its not there either??
Am I dreaming??
Search on line and it must have been there???Mavic-VN-Settings-2.jpg
Its gone!!! I just had a look at the Mavic and its not there. So I searched in the manual and its not there either??
Am I dreaming??
Search on line and it must have been there???View attachment 29880
Well, at least you've confirmed I'm not crazy. Anyone know where it is?
Why have DJI not developed the ability to track the skier? surely the technology is there to allow it to link and follow the phone down hill better yet link it to the smart watch. considering the Skydio R1 as a replacement. are there any software hacks to make the Mavic follow down hill?
I wouldn’t worry about it! In Europe most, if not all ski resorts are No Fly Zones for drones
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