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Flying Air2s up to 2000m altitude

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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2023
My Air2s was hacked with Drone-hack licence, unlimited height.
I have a 7500 mAh battery, big size,
is it safe to fly up to 2000 to 2500 m high?
will it turn turtle when wind is strong?
is it safe to fly up to 2000 to 2500 m high?

Not only would that be a possible danger to manned aviation / illegal, but you have absolutely no idea what the wind is doing up there, and it could easily put you in a situation where you lose the craft. Small quads like this are not built to fight wind of that magnitude.

2Km up is way out of VLOS too, so if your transmission failed you'd have no idea where it was, or what was happening to it, or the things it was colliding with on the way down. And you'd burn most of your battery simply trying to attain that height, leaving not much power to fight wind with on the way back. AND you have a lot less control authority during rapid descent, so the wind would almost certainly grab you as tried to come home, and may even prevent you coming down until your battery fails and it drops out of the sky.

Flying at that sort of height is reckless and dangerous except in very controlled, adequately permissioned specific circumstances. Peak level stupidity some would call it, including me, I'm afraid ! :)
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My country has the law 120m, however, nobody will care if accident does not happen.
Go big field facing jungle and Fly up to 2000 m or 3000 m should be ok.
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I go to big field facing forest to fly.
I fly 1500m before.
It came down without problem.
My battery still have 65% when touched down.
I just need to go up another 500-1000 m
Because some thing worked one time doesn't mean it will work every other time .

Go big field facing jungle and Fly up to 2000 m or 3000 m should be ok.

You asked if it was safe to fly up to 2,000 - 2,500 m, assuming you are talking about straight up then, no, it is not safe and @AeroJ gave you a very good answer.

Are you trying to argue against his answer ?

Flying 2,500m up the slope of a mountain might not break 120m AGL but it's still risky because of winds, it is also well out outside your VLOS.

Will it turn turtle in strong wind, unlikely, but it is quite likely to be blown away and lost.
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Air2s has 5 scale Wind Resistance, my big battery is 350g, And I have Propeller protector, adding some weight, it will be sturdy and firmly in the air, it will come down safely :D
Tell that to the pilots of
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A2s supposed to have RTH, why fly away?
Must be Pilot own mistake.
Did you look at those threads in post 11 and read the explanations they contained ?

Ask your self the question ,
"what happens if the wind speed is faster than the drone's maximum air speed ?" and see if you can think of an answer.

Ever tried swimming upstream in a river whose current is flowing faster than you can swim ?

Ever watched an episode of Bondi Rescue, where someone is caught in a rip current ? What happens and why does that happen ?
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My Air2s was hacked with Drone-hack licence, unlimited height.
I have a 7500 mAh battery, big size,
is it safe to fly up to 2000 to 2500 m high?
will it turn turtle when wind is strong?
Both my Mavic 2's have the altitude and geozone hack, they also operate with the stronger control signal, so I can comment from a similar position.

Regardless of the above facts: neither of my big birds go higher than the legal limit in my country unless I have aviation authority permission. Neither get flown in a registered proscribed area without prior permission either. This is because I decide to respect these legal restraints. Having hacked birds means I'm not forced to, but I choose to accept responsibility for flying in accordance with sensible regulations.

The boosted C&C signal is to ensure a strong and secure link between controller and drone in high noise areas, so that is more of a safety feature.

All I do if I act like just another Beavis & Butthead drone-jock is provide another set of nails for the people who write the AA regulations, so that they can hammer them into the coffins of every other responsible drone user.

No, it is neither safe, nor okay to send your drone up 7,500 feet in the air. That height you go through light aircraft/helicopter territory and end up in the lower part of commercial aircraft airspace, so you will be endangering two different classes of aerial vehicles on the way up as well as on the way down... what for? a few shots that will look exactly the same as looking at the area with Google Earth set to that AGL?... or a 'look how high I sent my drone' YouTube video?

If you want to take your drone past the legal cap: get properly certified and make the relevant application to your country's Aviation Authority. Let them decide.
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I fly 1500m before.
It came down without problem.
Excellent, so you have already used a great proportion of your available luck then ? Difficult to know how much you've got left isn't it ?! ;)

Out of morbid curiosity, I've just done a wind check over Malaysia, generally.

At SFC the wind when I checked was averaging 18-30 kph. Lovely. An Air 2 will cope with that magnificently.

At 850 HPA (around 1.5 km AGL) wind is up to 53-80 kph, (not including the gusts, which can be double that or more !) which is already barely fightable by your craft. At this sort of level the MA2 will be using a frightening amount of battery power just to remain in place, let alone climb further...

At 750HPA, (around 2.5km AGL) it's 155-223 kph - nearly 4 times as powerful, and directionally unrelated to what is going on at SFC level. So within 1 minute of encountering that your craft may have been drifted (and by 'drifted' I mean 'wrenched' !) 3 km away from launch point. So then you have about 2 mins before your transmission fails due to horizontal distance, probably much less because of your height as well, and then you are blind and helpless, and will have lost control of a craft you have intentionally subverted and put somewhere actively dangerous to other traffic.

Very cold up there too, which your battery will further not enjoy, though the heat from its other struggles will probably offset that ! There will most likely be fairly constant over-power / motor torque / strong wind warnings and meanwhile, the camera gimbal will be flopping about like a wizards sleeve, ruining your footage because those tiny weak stepper motors haven't got a hope in hell of trying to stay with their stabilization limits.

You may need to revise your appreciation of how wind power changes with altitude, and how air density, and therefore power usage change at extreme heights. Your (relatively) weedy little quad might as well be in the jet stream for all the ability it has to combat 200 kph winds !!

Enough people have told you now what a mental plan this is. We've given you the information, all we can do now is wait for you to either accept it and reign in your ambition, or to take another huge unnecessary risk that at best is likely to result in the loss of your craft, and at worst could end up with you in prison, accident or not, for knowingly and recklessly placing your craft so flagrantly into the airspace of manned aviation. And for what ? A few likes from the few nutters that cheer on this sort of thing, and the much wider disdain from the rest of us who might regard you as a weapons-grade pillock for even considering it ?! :)
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Going up to 1000m is easy job, and quite safe, when I was 1500m, no message of strong wind.
I am using 7500mAh battery, power is enough.
I just need another 500m to go up to 2000m, in Sunny day usually wind is not strong.
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