Last night as I was flying my brand new Mavic 2 Pro for the second time, this thing happened. I extended the legs on the drone, set it down and made sure everything was alright. I powered it up and let it hover over the take off spot for about 10 seconds before I moved it sideways and got it into position. Right after I maneuvered it, it started making a terrible sound and I looked up to see that the front left leg had collapsed backwards and is was being cut into by the left back leg. I quickly grabbed the drone and manage to shut it off after a couple of seconds. As you can see from the photos, it got slashed pretty deep. I let it cool down for about 15 minutes before I powered it on to see if there had been any damages to the hardware. My Smartcontroller is not giving me any warning or notifications about any errors. The crash detectors and everything seem fine.
I'm an experienced pilot, who has flown the Mavic 1 for about a year and a half. I recently upgraded to the Mavic 2. I would never have taken off if the legs were not fully extended. And as you can probably tell if you try to position the leg in a half-extended position, is that it will snap either forward or backwards, making it nearly impossible to have it half extended before take off. So the only reasonable explanation is that the leg was thrusted backwards by the drone's movement in air, which makes me wonder if I've received a unit with a weak hinge. Can anyone advice me on wether I should continue flying and whats inside the leg? Is there anything important inside the leg, or is it just a piece of plastic keeping the drone up? I'm currently on holiday and won't be able to return it for repairs for another week and a half.

I'm an experienced pilot, who has flown the Mavic 1 for about a year and a half. I recently upgraded to the Mavic 2. I would never have taken off if the legs were not fully extended. And as you can probably tell if you try to position the leg in a half-extended position, is that it will snap either forward or backwards, making it nearly impossible to have it half extended before take off. So the only reasonable explanation is that the leg was thrusted backwards by the drone's movement in air, which makes me wonder if I've received a unit with a weak hinge. Can anyone advice me on wether I should continue flying and whats inside the leg? Is there anything important inside the leg, or is it just a piece of plastic keeping the drone up? I'm currently on holiday and won't be able to return it for repairs for another week and a half.