Perhaps being overcautious since purchasing my Mavic Air 2, I waited some weeks before actually flying it.
Well last Thursday the first time. I'd run out of excuses, as the home target finally arrived, and I'd spent the past few weeks purchasing some goodies for it.
I live under the 5.5 km airport 'umbrella' here, so needed to find a nice quiet country place to start to learn how to drive this awesome beasty.
Fortunately found a grounds/playing field around 30 minutes away that is perfect for innitial learning phase.
Have registered with CASA and the Air 2 flies beautifully. Never had a playstation so the dual jostick setup is 'all new' to me. But have spent years with flight sims. Hopefully that will help with flight familiarisation etc.
What I have not as yet been able to discover, is a drone club nor local shop?. There is an online register of NSW clubs but the link for Coffs Harbour for me didn't seem to point to any website. But did bring up an email address?.
What experience can people share about National Parks requests for permission to fly for recreation?. Do I need to go to a license to have any chance of obtaining permission?. I have read through the Nat Pks and CASA online stuff, as well as the local council. Also have made sure I understand and know the3 basics; having watched & followed many experienced drone operator videos and regulations etc videos and literature.
But practically, what/where/when/how can I fly within the law, and the various regional body regulations?? ?

Perhaps being overcautious since purchasing my Mavic Air 2, I waited some weeks before actually flying it.
Well last Thursday the first time. I'd run out of excuses, as the home target finally arrived, and I'd spent the past few weeks purchasing some goodies for it.
I live under the 5.5 km airport 'umbrella' here, so needed to find a nice quiet country place to start to learn how to drive this awesome beasty.
Fortunately found a grounds/playing field around 30 minutes away that is perfect for innitial learning phase.
Have registered with CASA and the Air 2 flies beautifully. Never had a playstation so the dual jostick setup is 'all new' to me. But have spent years with flight sims. Hopefully that will help with flight familiarisation etc.
What I have not as yet been able to discover, is a drone club nor local shop?. There is an online register of NSW clubs but the link for Coffs Harbour for me didn't seem to point to any website. But did bring up an email address?.
What experience can people share about National Parks requests for permission to fly for recreation?. Do I need to go to a license to have any chance of obtaining permission?. I have read through the Nat Pks and CASA online stuff, as well as the local council. Also have made sure I understand and know the3 basics; having watched & followed many experienced drone operator videos and regulations etc videos and literature.
But practically, what/where/when/how can I fly within the law, and the various regional body regulations?? ?