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Jan 13, 2022
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I tried something today that might interest all the Mavic 3 series owners not in the EU. I installed a set of Mavic 3 Enterprise props on my Classic. To my pleasant surprise, it is more quiet, a little bit different, less harsh sound AND, best of all, about five more minutes flight time according to AirData!!! Same size as the Regular props but without the silicone tips. Same price, too!!
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I tried something today that might interest all the Mavic 3 series owners not in the EU. I installed a set of Mavic 3 Enterprise props on my Classic. To my pleasant surprise, it is more quiet, a little bit different, less harsh sound AND, best of all, about five more minutes flight time according to AirData!!! Same size as the Regular props but without the silicone tips. Same price, too!!
They are not quite the same size. The tips protrude outside the edges of the Mavic 3 gimbal guard bra, which was designed to completely cover the stock Mavic 3 prop tips, and so the tips are potentially vulnerable to getting caught on the edges of most tight fitting cases. Just be careful. The increased flight time shown by Air Data is intriguing, and anything that quiets the apparent sound is always welcome!
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I tried something today that might interest all the Mavic 3 series owners not in the EU. I installed a set of Mavic 3 Enterprise props on my Classic. To my pleasant surprise, it is more quiet, a little bit different, less harsh sound AND, best of all, about five more minutes flight time according to AirData!!! Same size as the Regular props but without the silicone tips. Same price, too!!
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That's interesting. I wonder what's different about them to change the flight characteristics? Something about the geometry? According to DJI the dimensions and weight are identical.
Specs for Mav 3 and for Mav 3E
Mav 3 props on the left, Mav 3 E props on the right.
Yup they’re slightly longer. I use them interchangeably on my Mavic 3 Pro Cine & Mavic 3 Enterprise Thermal. Do remember to make sure u don’t accidentally mix the sets on 1 drone.


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Look it up. Yes, there is. Not necessarily the tips, but the overall ability of the blade to lacerate.

Easy Access Rules for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Regulations (EU) 2019/947 and 2019/945)

Relevant text

"be designed and constructed in such a way as to minimise injury to people during operation, sharp edges of the UA shall be avoided, unless technically unavoidable under good design and manufacturing practice; if equipped with propellers, the UA shall be designed in such a way as to limit any injury that may be inflicted by the propeller blades;"

This is the only relevant text I see which includes "propeller." "Lacerate" doesn't appear.

Easy Access Rules for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Regulations (EU) 2019/947 and 2019/945)

Relevant text

"be designed and constructed in such a way as to minimise injury to people during operation, sharp edges of the UA shall be avoided, unless technically unavoidable under good design and manufacturing practice; if equipped with propellers, the UA shall be designed in such a way as to limit any injury that may be inflicted by the propeller blades;"

This is the only relevant text I see which includes "propeller." "Lacerate" doesn't appear.
Other than lacerate, what injury could a prop inflict? Don't be picky concerning semantics.
Other than lacerate, what injury could a prop inflict? Don't be picky concerning semantics.
No petty semantics. I could find no regulations dealing with the details of propeller construction. There's only a general statement about designing to minimize injury. I see nothing that limits the use of Enterprise propellers on standard Mavic 3s.
No petty semantics. I could find no regulations dealing with the details of propeller construction. There's only a general statement about designing to minimize injury. I see nothing that limits the use of Enterprise propellers on standard Mavic 3s.
Never mind. You are nit picking. The prop design is DJI's way of dealing with the regulation.
Never mind. You are nit picking. The prop design is DJI's way of dealing with the regulation.

"They are available, just not legal for non Enterprise Mavic 3. It has to do with safety regulations, blunt tips and soft."

No, it's not nit picking to say that statement about legality is incorrect.

There's apparently no regulation that makes using Enterprise props illegal to use on a Mavic 3. The same regulations govern both drones and there's no regulation that says the hard tip props are legal on the Enterprise but illegal on basic Mavic 3.
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