Problem - Gimbal Motor Overload on Mavic Pro Platimum, now when I turn the drone on, the camera unit will violently move backwards and forwards - it will then stop for 2-3 minutes and do the same again.
Was unit in a crash? Landed fairly hard from around 1m when compass warning came on
What have you tried so far? Updating firmwire, recalibration of gimbal (will only get to 5%)
What device are you using - Iphone 6
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? Remote controller
What Go app version are you using? ...
Any modification? None
Did you change anything or install any apps? None
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? I can try to get this
Was unit in a crash? Landed fairly hard from around 1m when compass warning came on
What have you tried so far? Updating firmwire, recalibration of gimbal (will only get to 5%)
What device are you using - Iphone 6
What firmware are you running ( aircraft, remote controller)? Remote controller
What Go app version are you using? ...
Any modification? None
Did you change anything or install any apps? None
Do you have a video or pictures of the problem? I can try to get this