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Great drones - too bad about the software

Harbour Grace

New Member
Apr 28, 2018
It's had to understand why a company that can produce such nicely designed and manufactured drones can't be bothered to produce good supporting software. Firmware nightmares, an application that chokes on Windows 10, a truly ugly app interface design... it's a long and disappointing list.

What did DJI do, leave the software to the B team?
It's had to understand why a company that can produce such nicely designed and manufactured drones can't be bothered to produce good supporting software. Firmware nightmares, an application that chokes on Windows 10, a truly ugly app interface design... it's a long and disappointing list.

What did DJI do, leave the software to the B team?
Your on your own and everyone has an opinion. I personally think that the Go4 UI is one of the best out there with heaps of screen info and many features that are able to be customized to make the Mavic suit the user.
As for the W10 assistant2, you should sort out your own PC before complaining, as the app works perfect and has connected and updated all firmware to Mavick without a hitch as it has for thousands of users.
Like always when problems occur its not the fault of the app or software but the user, by not following instructions, loading the software correctly to start with or a conflict with some other problem on the machine, but they first blame the app or company before themselves or their cluttered PC.
Arnt you lucky you can still update your Mavic firmware via over the air WiFi.
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I agree, too bad, I really like the drone but hate the fact it is so hard to fly when app issues happen.

I had an issue weeks ago where the app claimed it was disconnected but the remote still had RPMs listed and distance to the Mavic. I could move just could no longer see the live video. (Too make things worse messing around with the app I then "lost sight" of the Mavic! That part was my fault for not getting it "home" as soon as I lost the app and had the Mavic in my sights so to speak)

Would have been nice to put a compass heading on the remote so you had some clue which way you were moving if you lost the app. (Yes RTH brought it back thankfully!) I could tell the Mavic was getting closer but then once it was say 90 degrees to me I could not get it closer and was not going to waste battery time "guessing" if short tap on the remote was turning towards me or away from me so thank goodness RTH worked correctly!

Here is to wishing for better flights on the horizon!
I had an issue weeks ago where the app claimed it was disconnected but the remote still had RPMs listed and distance to the Mavic. I could move just could no longer see the live video.


Have you figured out the reason for your disconnected?
No I have not, since then I have only done a few check flights without issues. I also could not get it to "lock up", if I closed the app and restarted the app on purpose it would correctly connect each time. . . .

Going to have give up on the reason I guess, just glad the remote still worked correctly.
As a designer of software for non-technical people I think the Go4 software is excellent and easy to use for such a complex device. Sometimes it's hard to separate hardware from software issues. I'd make sure all your software is up to date, that you are on an approved device, and that all your cables are functioning properly. There is a lot on the screen, but it's rationally laid out, but a deep dive into the manual is a really good idea. I'm running on iOS, with an iPhone X since December. Never an issue.
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After years (my first DJI drone was Phantom 2 Vision) of having DJI drones, and I base this solely on my own experience, it seems clear that EVERYTHING works better on an iPad or iPhone than any android system. I don't think you can completely blame DJI for this--given that there are a gazillion (ok, slight exaggeration) versions of Android out there, but there's only ONE current general release for iOS. And that doesn't even address the inherent instabilities (not trying to start a debate) with Android. If you're really serious about videography or even just recreational flying, I would recommend getting an iPad mini 2 or 4, I would suggest the 4, since it's faster, better res, brightness, etc. I know that Android fans will take issue with this statement, but it's the truth, things just run better under iOS.

Oh, forgot to mention, I can't remember a SINGLE firmware or software issue (my share of pilot errors, brain farts, lack of attention, etc though) while operating with iOs since the day I got my Mavic Pro, and I'm pretty sure I was in the first 100 people on here to get one!
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I think a big part of the problem is trying to combine all of their products under one app. They need to keep many things in the app the same for all products.
I think a big part of the problem is trying to combine all of their products under one app. They need to keep many things in the app the same for all products.

I'd generally agree, but you don't see those issues under iOS nearly as often and they cram the functionality in the iOS versions... there are just so MANY flavors of Android out there, and many of them "customized" by each device's vendor.
It's had to understand why a company that can produce such nicely designed and manufactured drones can't be bothered to produce good supporting software. Firmware nightmares, an application that chokes on Windows 10, a truly ugly app interface design... it's a long and disappointing list.

What did DJI do, leave the software to the B team?
The OP did not mention whether he was using IOS or Android. Reading all the comments to his original post I guess everyone assumed he was using Android.

Am I wrong in thinking that many problems with the Android Go 4 app is often to due to people using an Android device because many are less expensive than Apple. Choosing one that is in the same price range as Apple will probably get you a more reliable device.
i dont mind the go4 ui. i only wish it wasnt so bloated, lots of older devices struggle to run it, i think thats why some dossconcects happen, the app takes a huge ammount of resources, litchi doesnt seem to be bloated but maybe since it shares files its doing more in the background than i know, i just know on my oder sony z2 dgi4 doesnt run that smooth but litchi seems ok, i am since running a modded dgi4 and up until a few days ago it seemed solid and smoother as the developer removed a lot of stuff, it disconnects now to though,,,,,, tried many cables and 3 devices,,,,,,
The OP did not mention whether he was using IOS or Android. Reading all the comments to his original post I guess everyone assumed he was using Android.

Am I wrong in thinking that many problems with the Android Go 4 app is often to due to people using an Android device because many are less expensive than Apple. Choosing one that is in the same price range as Apple will probably get you a more reliable device.

I don't think it's really a question of the device itself. There are MANY fine Android phones. It's more the nature of the Android operating system versus iOS. There are so many versions of Android floating around out there and many of them are customized by the supplier to augment the interface and support various device features. There is generally one ONE version of iOS at a time and that's much easier for DJI to deal with, so I think they put Apple ahead of all others because they don't have to test EVERY single device and combination of Android that might be on it. I personally think Apple stuff is WAY overpriced, but, like many things, you get what you pay for, i.e., a more stable platform. I have an array of iPads and hardly ever use the older ones (I know I should sell them on eBay or something) and even my oldest iPad Air and iPad mini still work fine with DJI Go, though my iPad Air does get choppy video in the heat of the summer when it's like 100 degrees here in the Austin area. But I can tell you, I honestly can't even remember the last time that I shut down or rebooted my latest generation iMac... it's surely been many months. They just run and run well, all the time.
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