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Harassed while flying drones

I've been flying over the sea from a small town in Tenerife, (an island off the coast of Morrocco), for about 4 years. The only complaint I've had was from a man swimming in the sea, who said I was spying on him! Well, yes I was. I have a fine picture of the back of his head, the size of a pin head! Come to think of it, pin-head was certainly appropriate!
Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

2.) I was flying at the same place the other day, within visual and everything, and a man came up to me and said I was "disturbing the birds nesting." I was nowhere near the birds and am ALWAYS careful not to disturb ANYONE as best I can while flying (I was out early in the morning to avoid being around people since last time it was so scary). I told him kindly, "Sir, I am not disturbing the birds." and then he said, "Yeah, sure." And rolled his eyes at me, walked away. Why do people feel they can be so rude like this?

Does anyone else have experience like this, and any recommendations of what to do? I was not breaking any law, and I had all the rights to be there that everyone else did. It's just really unfair, I think.

I am a new Mavic Pro flyer and this is my approach. I've found that you cannot fly anywhere scenic i.e. national parks, state parks, city parks, etc. I have been locating large properties outside of town and approaching the landowners, and have had success. Only 4 miles from my home is a 180 acre property that I can fly, with the landowners blessing. Another is a 30 acre parcel but they would like notification first. I do not fly in town, or near wildlife. I abide by all the rules. I think flying anywhere around people is going to be negative, sooner or later. I have an upcoming trip to Cannon Beach, OR and have checked into drone flying there. Forget it. No flying within 2,000 feet of Haystack Rock due to nesting birds. That is essentially all of Cannon Beach.
You guys really need to watch some 1st Amendment Audit videos and see how almost everyone is afraid of the dangerous Assault Cameras. Its unbelievable how in this country of Freedom so many of us, and worst of it all, Law Enforcement, try to restrict, intimidate and control our right to free press, free speech and freedom of public photography. Just look up on Youtube 1st Amendment Audit and you will be both hooked and shocked of how paranoid people are. Its almost as if the public does not want to be filmed because they have these secret lives or they are doing something wrong. Meanwhile, the majority of them put so much crap of themselves on facebook, instagram and all the other social media.
I ALWAYS wear a body cam when I fly my drone in public... I haven't had an incident yet, but I've had a paranoid neighbor tell me that he's "disturbed by drones". I suggest that you invest in a body cam and document any encounters, if something happens it will be your word against theres and video can save you a huge hassle. Plus some people back off if they know their aggression is being documented.
Move out of California.
How I get this but don’t see it here
Ahh, a side arm is a great deterrent. Yet I have never had an issue on the East Coast - ever.
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We are now in a time of political correctness, no one is allowed to come up to anyone and ask them to show ID.

And because of political correctness, people feel they are the political correctness police. I have learned to turn it completely around on them and pick up the phone call the police and say you are being harassed.

At that point the person realizes they are the aggressor And will leave.

And believe me if you are a minority they will have a big problem

Happy weekend
Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

2.) I was flying at the same place the other day, within visual and everything, and a man came up to me and said I was "disturbing the birds nesting." I was nowhere near the birds and am ALWAYS careful not to disturb ANYONE as best I can while flying (I was out early in the morning to avoid being around people since last time it was so scary). I told him kindly, "Sir, I am not disturbing the birds." and then he said, "Yeah, sure." And rolled his eyes at me, walked away. Why do people feel they can be so rude like this?

Does anyone else have experience like this, and any recommendations of what to do? I was not breaking any law, and I had all the rights to be there that everyone else did. It's just really unfair, I think.
Your find it dosnt matter what you do for fun. There will always be another who dosnt like what you like. Over the years i have flown a hot air balloon and found some land owers would give me a hard time. I later got into riding off road bikes. Only to get walkers giving me grif. I have also had one or two do the same to me with my drone flying. Noe i just reply with. Can you just go away. I dont have time for this. They soon walk away.
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Can’t please everyone. You could try, but you may be spinning your wheels along with your props. I just tell the few that I have had the privilege to bump heads with to call 911. I don’t think that battle will ever go away completely. I do go out of my way to find places that I don’t think will create a conflict.
Yes, just tell the intruder spoilsport to call 911 or the police. Most won't want to bother with a nuisance charge against innocent people.
Both occasions appear to lack any real justifiable reason for their outburst.
Do you think another drone was flying about causing their confusion blaming you ?
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Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

2.) I was flying at the same place the other day, within visual and everything, and a man came up to me and said I was "disturbing the birds nesting." I was nowhere near the birds and am ALWAYS careful not to disturb ANYONE as best I can while flying (I was out early in the morning to avoid being around people since last time it was so scary). I told him kindly, "Sir, I am not disturbing the birds." and then he said, "Yeah, sure." And rolled his eyes at me, walked away. Why do people feel they can be so rude like this?

Does anyone else have experience like this, and any recommendations of what to do? I was not breaking any law, and I had all the rights to be there that everyone else did. It's just really unfair, I think.
I would be looking for a co-pilot that is a former NFL Linebacker to be there as your Spotter. Should solve the size issue. And yes, some people go out of their way to be perfect sphincters, and to others it comes naturally.
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I ALWAYS wear a body cam when I fly my drone in public... I haven't had an incident yet, but I've had a paranoid neighbor tell me that he's "disturbed by drones". I suggest that you invest in a body cam and document any encounters, if something happens it will be your word against theres and video can save you a huge hassle. Plus some people back off if they know their aggression is being documented.

This was my first thought as well. While I personally have never had anyone bother me while flying, it never hurts to be prepared for it. There are a few things I always try to keep in mind though:

1. If you can avoid a bad situation with conversation, do it. It’s always the best outcome when everyone can walk away without harm or damaged property.

2. If a confrontation isn’t avoidable, a body camera will be either your best friend or your worst enemy. Be mindful of what you say and how you say it. No matter how the harassing party is acting, keep your cool.

3. If it becomes physical, defend yourself! Keep in mind that while you are allowed to defend yourself, DO NOT go overboard. Stop hitting the aggressor as soon as they are no longer a threat. This will determine the difference between defense and mutual combat (as I understand it, please correct me if you are LE or an attorney.)

Lastly, if/when police arrive, offer the body cam video as evidence of what transpired. If they don’t show up, keep the video! Upload it to YouTube as a private video (or public if you don’t care who sees it) so if anything ever comes of it you will have proof of what happened.

Disclaimer: Keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion and not legal advice.
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Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

2.) I was flying at the same place the other day, within visual and everything, and a man came up to me and said I was "disturbing the birds nesting." I was nowhere near the birds and am ALWAYS careful not to disturb ANYONE as best I can while flying (I was out early in the morning to avoid being around people since last time it was so scary). I told him kindly, "Sir, I am not disturbing the birds." and then he said, "Yeah, sure." And rolled his eyes at me, walked away. Why do people feel they can be so rude like this?

Does anyone else have experience like this, and any recommendations of what to do? I was not breaking any law, and I had all the rights to be there that everyone else did. It's just really unfair, I think.

If you are in the UK there is no law against disturbing birds whilst building or using a nest except if the species is a rare one that appears on Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended). Only destroying or damaging is an offence for all species - including what people generally regard as pest like crows, magpies and pigeons. Schedule 1's can't be disturbed as an additional protection. But, it is not good practice to knowingly disturb without good reason. If your risk assessment for the flight indicates an unacceptable risk of disturbance. And, again in the UK, disturbance means disturbance sufficient to affect the ability of the species to survive and rear its young, not scaring a parent off its nest once or twice during a flight. If by chance that is sufficient to cause the parent to abandon the offence would still need be proven that the abandonment has affected the resilience of the local population to maintain its current level. The biggest risk to ground nesting birds is dog walkers. They do adversly affect the ability of some species to breed. Hopefully your objector wasn't dragging their dog along!!
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Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

2.) I was flying at the same place the other day, within visual and everything, and a man came up to me and said I was "disturbing the birds nesting." I was nowhere near the birds and am ALWAYS careful not to disturb ANYONE as best I can while flying (I was out early in the morning to avoid being around people since last time it was so scary). I told him kindly, "Sir, I am not disturbing the birds." and then he said, "Yeah, sure." And rolled his eyes at me, walked away. Why do people feel they can be so rude like this?

Does anyone else have experience like this, and any recommendations of what to do? I was not breaking any law, and I had all the rights to be there that everyone else did. It's just really unfair, I think.
Where exactly were you flying in San Diego? I also live in San Diego County and haven't had too many problems. I do know that you can't take off and land in County Parks and this doesn't show up on any maps. A group of droners flew at Sunset Cliffs last weekend. We had authorization and had to fly under 200 feet. I also know people fly at Scripps Pier.
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Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

I would have put my controller down, knocked him out and resumed flying. not really but that thought would have crossed my mind.
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Maybe this is just a rant, but I am just getting so tired of people harassing me when flying. I always fly according to FAA rules; I am a recreational pilot and always fly in the proper areas and notify airports/heliports properly, never fly above 400', always fly during day and etc. But I have had two different occasions where I was harassed, at the same place! (San Diego, CA! I've heard this place was supposed to be drone friendly!):

1.) I was flying when this man came up and said I was breaking rules because I was flying somewhere I shouldn't be (I checked map, everything was clear, etc). He then proceeded to get in my face and demand I show him my license. Mind you I'm quite a bit smaller than he was and he was beginning to scare me, so I literally showed him my FAA registration and he kept telling me how I was ruining drone flying for everyone else (I literally have done nothing wrong). It was awful, and really ruined the amazing shots I have. I literally look back at these beautiful videos and etc. and feel a pit in my stomach.

2.) I was flying at the same place the other day, within visual and everything, and a man came up to me and said I was "disturbing the birds nesting." I was nowhere near the birds and am ALWAYS careful not to disturb ANYONE as best I can while flying (I was out early in the morning to avoid being around people since last time it was so scary). I told him kindly, "Sir, I am not disturbing the birds." and then he said, "Yeah, sure." And rolled his eyes at me, walked away. Why do people feel they can be so rude like this?

Does anyone else have experience like this, and any recommendations of what to do? I was not breaking any law, and I had all the rights to be there that everyone else did. It's just really unfair, I think.

I live in San Diego County. I've never been hassled by anyone while flying my drone. Please be specific about this area you were flying. It sounds to me like the first guy knew at least something about drone regulations because he asked to see your FAA registration. That would seem to suggest that he knew (or thought he knew) whether the area was okay for drones or not.

Due to the spacing of airports in San Diego City, there's more area that is a no-fly zone than not. If you can tell us exactly where you were flying, perhaps some light can be shed on the subject.

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We are now in a time of political correctness, no one is allowed to come up to anyone and ask them to show ID.

And because of political correctness, people feel they are the political correctness police. I have learned to turn it completely around on them and pick up the phone call the police and say you are being harassed.

At that point the person realizes they are the aggressor And will leave.

And believe me if you are a minority they will have a big problem

Happy weekend
Thx! Gonna try this,
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