I have to interject with something right now and you know what really just gives me the red *** that people would have to have the thinking process that you have. If the neighbor has asked you not to fly over his property and that is his right, why would you want to push it and slowly go on the edge of his property and act like a fool? Drone Flyers are already under the gun because of so many laws that are not known and so many educated people that are out there that just feel that drones are intrusive on other people's privacy and are just a general a nuisance and then we have someone like you who just wants to push it to the edge just to piss somebody off a little bit further. I think it's absolutely irresponsible on your thought process to even think of something like this. Through 360° on every compass and so that means that when you are flying away from your takeoff area you have many other places you can go to avoid this neighbor's property and I'm sure that's because I'm sure that your brother-in-law is not located in the center of this guy's property so there are other places you can go and there's other places he can just simply go around this guy's Mark property then he doesn't want trespassed against. If the guy makes a big deal about it he actually can't go to the police department and file a complaint against your brother-in-law and then they can have a big fat fine on his hands and then I guess you can thank you for being a jackass about it and making us who actually fly drones to look even more foolish because of irresponsible people. If your brother-in-law is acting responsible and just avoiding the guy's property and everything is fine and pieces kept between neighbors like it's supposed to then just leave it alone it's none of your business. And coming on this website and interjecting stuff like you're doing is just again irresponsible and downright foolish. I've been flying out for 6 months and I've never seen so many people act dumb but everybody in my neighborhood knows that I fly and I've gone to almost every single person around and asked if it's intrusive and they said sure go ahead and fly just don't linger around my window. So there's a nice ways of doing things and then there's stupid ways of doing things which is what you're doing by even suggesting that someone go on the prowl around this guy's property Edge and go real slow and being foolish. it's stupid people like this that gives me the red *** in this just dumb.
Have a nice day and please don't get a drone because you're probably give all of us, that are responsible pilots a bad name.
Wow. BigDaddy, I guess I thought I/we had some rights too and if he complies, wouldn't it be reasonable for him to fly "around" the 50'x50' fence line (if he chose to). He's not loitering, he's not pointing the drone/cam to his neighbor, he's just happening to cross the yard (around 100' up) on his way somewhere. You sure use the word stupid a lot, I get it though. Couldn't you have been nicer in making your point?