Maximum downward thrust is going to have your drone descend much faster than just killing your motors and relying on gravity for a descent.
That is simply not correct.
For a normal DJI drone the maximum controlled descent speed is severely limited .... unless the firmware has been hacked. This is possibly to avoid "Vortex Ring State".
With quite a few drones the maximum descent speed changes with flight mode, sports mode generally offering the fastest.
Mavic 3 &
Air 2s have the fastest I have noticed in a normal drone i.e. a non FPV drone, and that is listed as 6 m/s.
Some others are limited to 5ms e.g.
Mini 3 pro.
Others are limited to 3m/s e.g. Mavic Pro,
M2P/Z, Mavic Min (sports made), Mavic Air.
Those are just the drones whose manuals I have looked at.
The free fall terminal velocity of a Phantom style or Mavic style drone seems to be between 14m/s and 16m/s and that appears to be reached with in the first few seconds, besides the initial descent would be at maximum controlled descent speed, or accelerating to it. It would be interesting to see what the free fall speed of a
A 'normal' DJI drone can not pull itself downwards and, if you think about it, for a controlled descent at more or less constant speed and at less than free fall speed the props must be running at near hover speed otherwise the drone would accelerate.
I looked at this a while back and, from memory, descent motor speed is only slightly below hover motor speed, I assume the difference in speed/thrust takes vertical drag into account. Similarly I recollect ascent motor speed if fairly close to hover speed for the same reasons.
Think of travelling in a lift, your apparent weight changes only whilst the lift and you are changing speed, when the lift is travelling at constant speed your weight is normal
I do not argue that horizontal control would be good but in order to lose height free fall is the fastest.