I've gone out a couple times to shoot the Hillsboro lighthouse. The lighthouse itself is great, but it also has a nice foreground with quaint old fashioned houses, beaches, a breakwater. It's an awesome subject to shoot. The only problem is that the obvious place to take off from (Hillsboro Inlet park) is inside restricted airspace. The solution is to take a super secret public access pathway. It's very narrow, and you wouldn't see it unless you went looking for it. It's just to the left of the Canada House hotel. The beach and the lighthouse itself are NOT in restricted airspace.
I've been trying to take very wide panoramas because I have an ultra-wide 32:9 monitor and I want good wallpapers. It's a little tough to shoot photos for. In any case, here is a shot of the lighthouse, and what it looks like on the monitor. This was shot with a Mavic3 Pro with the 24mm lens. It's a bunch of shots stitched together.

I've been trying to take very wide panoramas because I have an ultra-wide 32:9 monitor and I want good wallpapers. It's a little tough to shoot photos for. In any case, here is a shot of the lighthouse, and what it looks like on the monitor. This was shot with a Mavic3 Pro with the 24mm lens. It's a bunch of shots stitched together.