Hola usuarios Mavic de Argentina. Soy de Palermo, Caba, y junto con otros usuarios del foro estamos organizando una juntada. Hice un grupo de WhatsApp, el que quiera me escribe a [email protected] y lo sumo. La idea es aprender entre todos nuevos trucos ycompartir experiencia.
Hello argentinian Mavic users. I'm from Palermo Caba, and together with other members of the forum, we are organizing a meeting. I made a group in WhatsApp, if anyone would like to join it, you can e-mail me at [email protected] y I will add you. The idea is to learn together and share tricks and experience.
Hello argentinian Mavic users. I'm from Palermo Caba, and together with other members of the forum, we are organizing a meeting. I made a group in WhatsApp, if anyone would like to join it, you can e-mail me at [email protected] y I will add you. The idea is to learn together and share tricks and experience.