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Hovering indoors then rolls left when landing


Feb 21, 2018
Hi everyone,

I'm new here. I was trying out my alpine air for the first time. Did it indoors as it seemed safe because of its size. I also own a spark that I fly indoors with no problems.

The air hovered nicely after take off 2 feet from the ground (ready to go vision). It was moving to the side slightly and I felt it might hit something so I pressed down on tje joystick to land it. Then it happened, it rolled/tilted to the left and hit one of the furniture causing the props to stop.

I thought it was nothing so i tried it a couple more times and the same thing happens. Ood thing it's only the props that got damaged those 3 times. 3rd time i used the prop guards and good thing I did because it rolled left a good 2 meters before it was able to land. It ended up under the kitchen cabinet.

Anyone else experience this? Is it because my obstacle avoidance is turned on? Bit still wondering why it would tilt left when landing. I calibrated the imu and compass before even trying out the drone so there should be no reason why it's doing it?
To be perfectly honest, it's not all that smart to fly one of these indoors, and I hope that you have your RTH set to hover. Also, did you compass calibrate and IMU calibrate inside, around a bunch of electronic devices? If so, that's also not a particularly good idea.
Why did you do it again (and again) when it didnt go well the first time?

Anyho; as mentioned above there can be many reasons for this happening. Flying inside really pushes the drone to its limits, and the pilot's limits too, as you have very little space to control the drone, if anything unforeseen happens.

I do recommend flying it outside; especially when you're getting used to it. Having more space (and GPS coverage) really helps when getting used to the drone.

Safe flying! :)
I’ve never owned a drone. Air being my first. I hovered in a 15 foot space to test. Had to shut off avoidance so it would move. No issues but ya it’s risky
Indoors without good GPS it depends on downward visual sensors and you need good light and a surface with some pattern or texture for it to be fully stable.
This makes sense. It was night and I only had indoor lights and the floor was white. I will try landing on a textured surface thanks!
To be perfectly honest, it's not all that smart to fly one of these indoors, and I hope that you have your RTH set to hover. Also, did you compass calibrate and IMU calibrate inside, around a bunch of electronic devices? If so, that's also not a particularly good idea.

Yeah because the nearest place to fly is a few kms away and I just needed to know if the drone was working. I calibrated imu and compass indoors, didn't think it would be an issue because the drone didn't return any error or warning message unlike my spark.
Why did you do it again (and again) when it didnt go well the first time?

Anyho; as mentioned above there can be many reasons for this happening. Flying inside really pushes the drone to its limits, and the pilot's limits too, as you have very little space to control the drone, if anything unforeseen happens.

I do recommend flying it outside; especially when you're getting used to it. Having more space (and GPS coverage) really helps when getting used to the drone.

Safe flying! :)

3rd time I used the prop guards so I thought it was ok if it did it again, which it did haha.

I just needed to test it the first time, and it was late at night and the nearest legal place to fly it was a few kms away. I will test it out properly this weekend.
I’ve never owned a drone. Air being my first. I hovered in a 15 foot space to test. Had to shut off avoidance so it would move. No issues but ya it’s risky

Yeah I will try all possible combination I can think of, but I guess it's best to test it outdoors anyways. If it still happens then something else is wrong I guess.
I have flown my MP indoors. I will say one thing you better know what you’re doing. Especially when you lose GPS.
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I flew my air out of the box indoors. I have a bunch of drones so its not an issue. I have no GPS and I would be amazed if anyone got GPS indoors. You are flying in manual mode with no GPS stabilization support. You might want to at least hover outside in the street and set the compass outside so you can avoid metal objects.

It's up to you and the sticks. Low light screws up the avoidance sensors so be careful at night in the house. By all means fly indoors because stick time is stick time. Don't be afraid.
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Yeah because the nearest place to fly is a few kms away and I just needed to know if the drone was working. I calibrated imu and compass indoors, didn't think it would be an issue because the drone didn't return any error or warning message unlike my spark.
Eh you should not calibrate compass indoors!.... really you should only calibrate it if the app asks u too or u see values are jacked up. When you do calibrate it should be in an open field around no metal or anything electromagnetic.... also when calibrating the IMU you should be on a very level surface in fact it should be perfectly level.... calibrating your compass indoors is maybe why your aircraft banked to left and then landed funny
I flew mine through 3 batteries indoors tonight. I was absolutely amazed at how stable it was. No GPS on the first battery, and it was solid as a rock. 2nd battery it gained GPS with 11 sats.. had to take a whizzer, so I just sat the remote down, did my business and came back to fly it around a little. It won't move around too much in the house due to the sensors, but was really amazed by the stability. (I put the prop guards on just in case something weird happened) I've been flying Inspires for the past 2 1/2 years, and I think I've flown this Air more just because it's so handy.... and you def dont want to fly an Inspire in your house... all kinds of **** could go wrong.
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I flew mine through 3 batteries indoors tonight. I was absolutely amazed at how stable it was. No GPS on the first battery, and it was solid as a rock. 2nd battery it gained GPS with 11 sats.. had to take a whizzer, so I just sat the remote down, did my business and came back to fly it around a little. It won't move around too much in the house due to the sensors, but was really amazed by the stability. (I put the prop guards on just in case something weird happened) I've been flying Inspires for the past 2 1/2 years, and I think I've flown this Air more just because it's so handy.... and you def dont want to fly an Inspire in your house... all kinds of **** could go wrong.
It is awesome very stable and as long as you have enough light inside it doesn't matter if GPS kicks in or not you don't get any weirdness the sensors do its job
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I flew mine through 3 batteries indoors tonight. I was absolutely amazed at how stable it was. No GPS on the first battery, and it was solid as a rock. 2nd battery it gained GPS with 11 sats.. had to take a whizzer, so I just sat the remote down, did my business and came back to fly it around a little. It won't move around too much in the house due to the sensors, but was really amazed by the stability. (I put the prop guards on just in case something weird happened) I've been flying Inspires for the past 2 1/2 years, and I think I've flown this Air more just because it's so handy.... and you def dont want to fly an Inspire in your house... all kinds of **** could go wrong.
Inspires in the house? Been there done that.:eek:
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Inspires in the house? Been there done that.:eek:
I've done it in the 2 car garage while it was empty.. but other that that..nope!... the weather here has been really crappy.. Snow, Ice, Rain, temps in the 20's... man, Im ready for Spring.
I did this, low light was my issue. Sad to say I should've known better. The blades tore up my favorite jacket and broke the tip of one blade before I could turn it off. I had the prop guards on. Lesson learned
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It is awesome very stable and as long as you have enough light inside it doesn't matter if GPS kicks in or not you don't get any weirdness the sensors do its job
Yep!.. I had 8 overhead living room lights on, and a good wood grain pattern on the floor. Love this lil machine!
I have flown my MA from one room to the next within my home without prop guards. It is a very stable little drone.
The downward VPS is amazing.
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I have flown my MA from one room to the next within my home without prop guards. It is a very stable little drone.
The downward VPS is amazing.
I could not get it to go into my entryway from the living room, and the opening is pretty wide.. like 9 ft.. and the entryway is 19 ft high.... I need to teach this thing how to change those light bulbs up there.:)
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