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How do I fly sideways and upside down?

Patrice Toumine

New Member
Jul 19, 2024
I've started to graduate myself from Safe mode (self-leveling, flight control limits) to Experienced mode (no self-leveling, full flight control movement) on my Aeroscout. I've done some barrel rolls and loops, and now I want to experiment with flying sideways and upside down -- without crashing (obviously). I've played around on my RealFlight simulator, but things move so fast that I can't figure out how to do these two maneuvers. I looked on Youtube and didn't find anything either, although I would think there are some videos on it.

I know that you need to work the ailerons to roll the plane. And I am assuming that you also need to work the rudder and/or elevator to stabilize it and keep it on a level horizontal plane as well. That's the part I cannot figure out; what direction to move the elevator and/or rudder to keep the plane flying straight when sideways or upside down.

If there are simple answers, let me know. (e.g., when flying sideways, move the rudder xxxxx direction; when flying upside down, move the rudder up (stick down). I am assuming it's somewhat formulaic, but I don't know the routine.

Then I will start trying it on the simulator. If there are any videos that explain not only how to do it, but explain the aerodynamics behind it, that would be great, so let me know.

Flying an aircraft upside down is somewhat like riding a bicycle seated backwards. When I was a kid, a couple of my friends could do this, most of the rest of us could not… I imagine it's much the same, your brain has to be able to resolve the differences, mine could not…


Of course, riding a bicycle backwards is lot less dangerous, if you can, you do, if you can't, you fall off almost immediately without injury. But flying a plane upside down and your brain "farts…" you crash…
Upside down I would have thought elevator controls would be reversed, I suspect the plane would have to fly slightly nose, literally, up.
What do you mean by "sideways" ? The plane flying with 90deg of bank or the plane moving towards one or other wing tip with the 0, zero, bank?
Whatever, don't try these close to the ground !
Sideways flying? Start out first with a couch…

No really, I commend your desire to do aerobatics, but the closest aerobatics you will get from a DJI camera Drone is with the Avanta model, and it’s a flying tank compared with even much less expensive entry level aerobatic racing drones.
FORWARD PRESSURE and Just enough not to much or you will stall. therein lies the skill. lol
Inverted flight can be tricky -sideways flight a little more. To start getting "used" to going inverted at first try flying into the wind while doing it. remember forward pressure always. but only just enough lol. To better fly sideways your best approach would be to get very good at rudder turns. Practice that and sideways flight will "come to you" you'll see..
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