Hello AO, I usually hang around in the "Commercial" section of this site, but wanted to share some of our best practices.
Full disclosure: I don't own or use any other
Mavic except the 2 Pro, but hopefully assuming the behavior will be the same for any in the Mavic line. Happy to be checked/corrected on this if not accurate. I also am not familiar at all with the DJI FLY C2 software (FCS), so full disclosure.
First, I'd suggest getting rid of the UAV forecast app in favor of another more reliable weather information service like Weather.GOV. The UAV Forecast app regularly provides misleading information to pilots that may rely on it too much. (Example: Cloud Cover - Do Not Fly.
What??). No app is going to replace what's between your ears regarding GO/NO-GO risk based decision making.
- Our internal guidance re: satellite connectivity is a minimum of 6 satellites connected, but we may still have visible instability issues depending on "where" those satellites are located (what is the spread up there?)
- KP Index seems to be a massive myth with regard to affect on satellite connectivity and signal strength. If solar activity was contributing to reductions or outages in GPS signal strength, the news channels would be flooded with reports of drones falling out of the skies all over the globe. Kp Index should not have any affect on your internal compass either.
- Assuming that the "Air" series connects to the same satellites as everything else in the Mavic line, or other DJI vehicles. This means you have GPS (U.S.A.) as well as GLONASS access. You should rarely see less than 9 or 10 satellites connected.
- Risk Assessment and Mitigation: You have no control of satellite connectivity but you do have control on whether to fly or not; and how you'll fly (altitude, distance, etc.). Make a judgement call on the day-of, and make sure your vehicle is behaving within your acceptable limits and skills, and you'll be good to go! Sometimes you can wait an hour, or reboot your systems (radio/uav), and things will look differently (better).
- Last thing, and it rarely affects us all, but the FAA's Safety Team (FAST) will allow you to make an account and get notifications regarding GPS testing that may be occurring in your area. Here is a link to an example notification
Hope this helps a little
Safe Flying!