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How often do you update?

I got my MA2 in September, updated at that time but haven’t updated since. It does all I want it to do, works perfectly, and no problems. I like consistency and no surprises. If any problem develops, I’ll update.
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Short answer: NEVER!
bit more elaborate: when new in 2017 everytime a new update was announced.
Since I noticed a lot of software restrictions never again.
Before start up I switch on the airplane mode on the phone.

Does that keep it from auto updating?
Does that keep it from auto updating?

I think that would. If the app never connects to internet, it will never check for updates.
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Short answer: NEVER!
bit more elaborate: when new in 2017 everytime a new update was announced.
Since I noticed a lot of software restrictions never again.
Before start up I switch on the airplane mode on the phone.

That's exactly why I never updated anything. I saw the "bells and whist;es" aka flight modes used as bait to update, but also noticed they were actually hobbling the machine. reduce performance, nagging quizes, NFZ limits that were not ready for primetime. just general "mayhem"...
My bird has not had any of those...
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Unfortunately I got my iPad mini after the 1.2.2 update came out... I did keep the older version in my phone but I never use it.
How often do most of you update whether its firmware or software? I know when I first got my MA2 in November 2020, I updated everything not knowing how long it might have been sitting in its box, so that's the baseline for my set up. Then I got an iPad mini for Christmas and when I loaded up the Fly app and got the latest (at that time) version, 1.2.2 I think, Well it eliminated the orientation indicator in favor of the attitude indicator which I am not a fan of nor do I use it (NOT wanting to start a conversation about that again!). So now I'm a little leery of doing any updates!!
So whats your thoughts on updates of all kinds... do you look for them, or hide from them, or wait and do what you are prompted to do? And why please
I use firmware 1.04.0300 with DJI go 4 app .410...
If its not broken don't update...
If its not restriction then don't restrict with an update...
DJI is getting stricter with every update because of all the nuts out there who don't care where they fly their drone...
It's for safety reasons why they are getting stricter with updates...
A few bad apples out there can spoil it for everyone else...
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I have never updated My Air 1 that I bought when they first came out. It fly's fine so why update restrictions. I know where I can fly and were I can't. But I hear people saying they can't fly near a 100 yr old grass runway 50 miles from nowhere and it hasn't been used in 50 years.after an update.
It an't broke so I'm not gonna fix it LOL
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Seems every time I updated my Air 2 it screwed something up!! So with my new FPV I have not updated it since I bought it, like you said it flies fine so why update!!
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I have never updated My Air 1 that I bought when they first came out. It fly's fine so why update restrictions. I know where I can fly and were I can't. But I hear people saying they can't fly near a 100 yr old grass runway 50 miles from nowhere and it hasn't been used in 50 years.after an update.
It an't broke so I'm not gonna fix it LOL
I feel the same way. If it aint broke, don't fix it
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Were getting the crippled Mavic 3 today, still excited waiting on delivery any hour now. I was thinking when I saw this drone cutting thru the trees you might be coming on board. lol

How Did you take to the FPV ?
Why is your Mavic 3 crippled??

How did I take to the FPV you say.... I love it, I like flying from the cockpit instead of staring at a screen or searching the sky. I know, I know some will whine about LOS but I dont particularly care, I have only ever flown on my property and you know how I like to fly it, through the woods not over so there is no LOS anyway!
As far as the FPV aspect of it, THAT is what I was looking for, I have yet to put this thing in manual mode but that is not what I was looking for anyway... someday maybe! Been so busy with stuff lately I've not been flying a bunch. Besides... my U tube adventures are pretty much over anyway as I cannot upload, my last 2 1/2 minute video took 58 hours to upload so I've kind of given up on that. One small downside to living out in the middle of nowhere!
Why is your Mavic 3 crippled??

How did I take to the FPV you say.... I love it, I like flying from the cockpit instead of staring at a screen or searching the sky. I know, I know some will whine about LOS but I dont particularly care, I have only ever flown on my property and you know how I like to fly it, through the woods not over so there is no LOS anyway!
As far as the FPV aspect of it, THAT is what I was looking for, I have yet to put this thing in manual mode but that is not what I was looking for anyway... someday maybe! Been so busy with stuff lately I've not been flying a bunch. Besides... my U tube adventures are pretty much over anyway as I cannot upload, my last 2 1/2 minute video took 58 hours to upload so I've kind of given up on that. One small downside to living out in the middle of nowhere!
Half the mavic 3 features will not be unlocked till sometime in January thus being crippled. Are you using your Hot Spot on your phone for the internet. ?
Half the mavic 3 features will not be unlocked till sometime in January thus being crippled. Are you using your Hot Spot on your phone for the internet. ?
No, I have internet out here just stupid slow. "They" are in the process of running fiber optic in my area if it ever gets here I'll be in business again... hopefully
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Short answer: NEVER!
bit more elaborate: when new in 2017 everytime a new update was announced.
Since I noticed a lot of software restrictions never again.
Before start up I switch on the airplane mode on the phone.

If it ain’t broke , don’t fix it. 😄
Apple is famous for screwing up your phone after updating, lol.

Hate it when you do an update and some apps are gone from the App Store after, and you can’t get it back.
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