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How to get a drone?

Since the OP is only 13, he really couldn't be hired for most legit jobs due to FL child labor laws.

I don't mean to argue with you but what about doing any of the jobs I suggested is not legit? You provide a "legal" service for someone and collect a fee. What's not legit?

Before I was even in high school which back then was 7 through 12 my brother and I cut pulp wood with a cross cut saw after school. That "public" job I mentioned that I did the summer I turned 13 was a cake walk compared to what I'd been used to. I finally got a real job at 15 over in the next town pumping gas, cleaning floors, and stocking shelves at a quick mart. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven. Opportunities are out there. The problem for most folks is that a lot of the opportunities involve manual labor and they are too good to get their hands dirty.
Sad to hear your story pal.
Take it as a learning lesson, in life there is always things we can learn from good and bad incident.
Just like the crashes we guys have it here .. at least for me. Lol.

Just do some house work, nego with your parents. Cut the grass etc. im sure they will be willing to pay u little.
Or exchange some rewards with good grades?
Just some suggestion.

Dnt be too stress up getting one asap,
Good things is worth waiting for.
The harder u work for it, the happier u will be when it comes, u will cherish it even more.

Good luck!
Sad to hear your story pal.
Take it as a learning lesson, in life there is always things we can learn from good and bad incident.
Just like the crashes we guys have it here .. at least for me. Lol.

Just do some house work, nego with your parents. Cut the grass etc. im sure they will be willing to pay u little.
Or exchange some rewards with good grades?
Just some suggestion.

Dnt be too stress up getting one asap,
Good things is worth waiting for.
The harder u work for it, the happier u will be when it comes, u will cherish it even more.

Good luck!
Lol. I'm Indian. My parents expect me to behave good because they have to take care of me. Lol.
K. Thanks. I just feel like by the time I get money, I will miss out. :(
Bad luck always makes you stronger...

So to answer your question "how to get a drone?"

In the wisdom of my dear old dad (God rest his soul) "son, you see my mower out there in the garage? Well I'm gonna go ahead and let you borrow it, you'll have that new bike in no time"
Bad luck always makes you stronger...

So to answer your question "how to get a drone?"

In the wisdom of my dear old dad (God rest his soul) "son, you see my mower out there in the garage? Well I'm gonna go ahead and let you borrow it, you'll have that new bike in no time"
Thanks. This forum is a good community.
Lady lake is next to the Villages... plenty of old folks to do odd jobs for up there. Can you wax a car? That's an easy 50 bucks
Huh. That's not bad! I'll see about those kind of things.
When I was that age I did odd jobs for farmers and neighbors . I was mowing grass and hilling spuds .
I would say you’re aiming too high for your age and pocket at the moment. Begin with something affordable and modest, say a Tello or Spark, to feed your enthusiasm. I have a Spark too and it’s great fun to fly, specially in sport mode.
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I'm 13 years old. I love any thing that has to do with drones and I bought a bebop 2. I sold it for 300 and got scammed to alady who said she was selling mavic pros and lost all of it. Now I'm left with no money and trust from my parents to buy stuff online. I have no scource of income either. I really want a Mavic Pro or even an Air. What should I do?

I tend to be a skeptic and smell a scam when money is solicited.
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I was in the same situation (minus the scam) that you were in. I had no money and no source of income. I now have a new Mavic pro platinum and a very nice laptop for video editing and the likes. My suggestions are finding a job that not many people can do. for instance, I got my soccer referring certification and made good money on the weekends with that. I also painted on the weekends and evenings. The possibilities for income are endless but those are my suggestions. P.S. don't ever pay for something until you see and or get the item unless it is an official site like eBay.
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