I will cut right to the chase....there is not a proper way.
Here is the dealio. Was working on my drone inside, drone was sitting on coffee table and I was setting up a new tablet to replace my phone as the primary device when I got the announcement that a new DJI 4.0 was available. Cool, decided to uninstall the old DJI go app and downloaded the new app. Fired it up and checked to make sure all the firmware was up to speed.
Then the mental fatal flaw kicked in. I decided to test the new software from my couch.
At this point let me break the story and explain my living room. Its a home theater setup with a 4K projector, 120" wall mounted screen and all the things you would expect in electronics all of them being very expensive....did I mention my mental fatal flaw???
So I fired up the drone, manually of course because auto take off has screwed me in the past with getting sucked into the ceiling, (first prop replacement) drone hovered nicely and was checking a few things when I decided to spin it around and see how good the resolution was thru the camera looking at my 4K movie playing on the big screen.
Its at this point things start to go horribly wrong.
As the drone slowly starts to turn towards the screen the auto avoidance kicks in. since it was closer than 4 feet it decided to avoid the obstacle by going sideways. Although this was towards the kitchen in that moment I had no idea what it was doing and all I could see was 4 hyper speed propellers shredding my video gear.
I jumped up off the couch and attempted to grab the drone from the top. Remember its at a 4 foot altitude and I am 6'2" so the maneuver put the drone right about arm pit level. Well guess what, the collision avoidance saw me coming and freaked the (bleep) out. It did what it thought it needed to do and accelerated.....towards my exposed rib cage.
Instinct (bad ones I admit) took over and I folded my arm over the drone pinning it between my rib-cage and my arm under my armpit. Well this pissed the drone right off and it decided to go to full power.
Let me tell you, If you ever decide to grab a pissed off honey badger and give it a hug, you will probably not have the same body damage as that drone did to me.
Lacerated thumb, Lacerated forearm, Lacerated rib cage (along with shredded t-shirt), Lacerated elbow in 4 places...no idea how that happened,
Its about that time when the wife walks into the room and sees me just randomly bleeding from parts of my body and just shakes her head and walks into the laundry room. (I
AM smart enough to not say anything at this point). I place the drone on the ground walked to the bedroom and began to clean myself up. To my wife's credit she never said anything but just smirked. To my credit, I apparently have large reserves of blood in my body.
On the good side, no equipment was damaged, Mavic was not damaged and I discovered some type of auto shutoff when all four propellers are not able to move. So that is a good thing right?
Yep it was dumb, no reason to beat me up over that in your comments, But as Doug Marcaida on Forged with Fire will always say after testing a blade, "Your Mavic will cut"
All future testing will be done in the garage wearing chain mail.
Happy flying!