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I used my drone in the heat today (103 F) and when i got it back the whole unit was its not charging to anything above 50 %

@Soul234 the BMS has an overheat protection function, as part of protecting the battery, in order for it to reset it needs the battery to be below a certain temperature ,before it will allow it to be fully charged up again,even the act of charging produces heat, so if the air temperature is really high then this causes the BMS to shut down the charging process, try having a fan blowing over the battery and charger ,during the charging process to help keep it below the threshold ,for the overheat to kick in
Is that for real ?? Never heard of it.
Any device with a built in thermal shut off will typically reset themself when cooled off. You can speed the process by blowing on it, setting it in front of a fan, setting it outside (if it's cooler outside) or putting it in a cooler place, like a refrigerator.
It was HOT in Cali yesterday and today! Keep the drone in the house lol take the above advice and for gosh sakes stay in the house when its that hot Thats what we do down here in Bakersfield. :cool:
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