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Identify your drone or not?


Jan 17, 2024
New Orleans
Hi, I am new to drone world. I have a Mini 4 Pro, a very cool device!
Should I label the drone with my name ± phone number and address? I have seen many youtube videos of people losing and often unsuccessfully searching for them.

It seems like a good idea, but what is your thought about doing so? Is there a downside to that?
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Greetings from Birmingham Alabama USA, welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing from you!

Read this article from the FAA
Read this article from one of our vendors, @pilotinstitute
Should I label the drone with my name ± phone number and address?
Is there a downside to that?
Downsides? I cannot think of any. That information is not secret and is likely easily discoverable on at least several public websites.

The upside would be the finder would be able to easily contact you. In most cases, people find lost drones and have no way of contacting the owner.
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Thanks for the response.
Both of those links go to the same place, FAA and registering drones.
As I understand it because the mini 4 pro is below a certain weight, registration with the FAA is not required.
But that is not my question. I am talking about putting a sticker on the drone with my name, phone and address in case someone finds it.
I read through the above and do not see that addressed, unless I missed it?
Thanks. I guess I was wondering about the advisability because maybe I've seen one too many youtubes about antidrone people giving pilots a hard time, threatening to call the police, etc.
Your point is well taken though about getting it back. It would be nearly impossible without something identifying the drone's home.
So, with the above, do you have your name on your drone?
Thanks for the response.
Both of those links go to the same place, FAA and registering drones.
As I understand it because the mini 4 pro is below a certain weight, registration with the FAA is not required.
But that is not my question. I am talking about putting a sticker on the drone with my name, phone and address in case someone finds it.
I read through the above and do not see that addressed, unless I missed it?
It depends on what type of person you are. Do you put your name/address on your computer? Do you put your name/address on your mobile phone? Do you put your name/address in your coat pocket? It think it has more to do with one's perception of privacy rather than the propensity to lose something and hope it gets returned. If I lose something and it's doesn't get returned to me, I won't be broken up about it because I failed to "label it as mine" and if I did label it, I wouldn't lose faith in mankind because someone didn't see fit to give back what is mine. I would just move label my stuff isn't at the top of my list. If it is, I suggest getting a good label maker. YMMV

For the record, all of my drones are FAA registered (whether legally required or not) so I believe that is sufficient and I haven't had to work thru your particular question to include my details on a label or not. However, I would say because the registration labels that I am using not only include FAA registration number but also phone number, I chose to include both.

Would I call or reach out to the label details if I found a lost drone, probably....but that depends on the circumstances that I found it. Under no circumstances will I go to the police but I would for sure send an email and/or make a phone call if I could verify. More than likely I would MYOB because honestly, it's just personal property unlike saving a life or helping someone hurt or lost. If the drone is two years old and crushed, I'll probably keep moving. If the drone is fresh and the lights are still blinking and there are no visible details, I'd give the person another day or two to find their drone. Somewhere in between, I understand people would love to get their lost property back and I will for sure ship it back to them before meeting FTF.

There are downsides to putting your name/address on your drone but I won't stray off topic and get into it in this thread.
So, your answer is yes, but you do that via the FAA sticker.
I generally don't label things at all, but a drone is a different animal considering it is most often out of my sight and I am new to flying one and they aren't cheap. And they crash, especially with novice flyers.

"There are downsides to putting your name/address on your drone but I won't stray off topic and get into it in this thread."
But, as the OP, that is exactly what this thread intends to address. I understand the ideal upside, someone finds my drone and returns it; I am trying to learn the downside, if there is any.
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So, your answer is yes, but you do that via the FAA sticker.
I generally don't label things at all, but a drone is a different animal considering it is most often out of my sight and I am new to flying one and they aren't cheap. And they crash, especially with novice flyers.

"There are downsides to putting your name/address on your drone but I won't stray off topic and get into it in this thread."
But, as the OP, that is exactly what this thread intends to address. I understand the ideal upside, someone finds my drone and returns it; I am trying to learn the downside, if there is any.
Found this thread
that further addresses it. The link is 7 years old, but seems to still apply.
it looks like your solution is the most common one, ie FAA sticker and number and the pilots cell number, possibly reward if found.
Thanks again
If your drone goes down, there is a good chance you will find it. There now exists good technology that will help you find your drone so unless there is a flyaway (which is less likely year after year) I wouldn't worry about a drone that goes down unless it ends up at the bottom of the sea or atop a tall tree. In the event you lose your drone, registration number and phone number may be all that is sufficient to get it back. These days people keep their same phone number forever.

So since you asked, I would say the downside is name/address simply isn't needed and there's nothing much more to gain over just a phone number or email addy. Getting lost property returned to you isn't a monumental task. But with so many avenues to approach this process, the biggest impediment is likely the sheer number of items that are lost along with no standard mechanism to make it happen. So called "lost and found" departments are rife with goods that are held simply waiting for people to claim them since no one will actively seek to reunite them with the owner. Remember, for most people your property has little to no value to them.

For the new flyer, may I suggest DJI Care Refresh to ally your concerns about losing your new drone.
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Hi, I am new to drone world. I have a Mini 4 Pro, a very cool device!
Should I label the drone with my name ± phone number and address? I have seen many youtube videos of people losing and often unsuccessfully searching for them.

It seems like a good idea, but what is your thought about doing so? Is there a downside to that?

Upside? Someone can contact you if they find your lost drone.

Downside? Only if you're ashamed of your flying and want to try to dodge responsibility for it. And if there's a bad incident, you can be identified anyway. (I'm in no way suggesting that you're motivated by such thoughts.)

In addition to the FAA registration number, I put my name, phone number, and an offer of a reward on all my drones.
We put Contact Info ON the drone and also as a TXT file on the SD Card.
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Would I call or reach out to the label details if I found a lost drone, probably....but that depends on the circumstances that I found it.

Probably? I can't think of any circumstances under which I would fail to try to contact the owner of a lost drone.

Do unto others ...
Hi, I am new to drone world. I have a Mini 4 Pro, a very cool device!
Should I label the drone with my name ± phone number and address? I have seen many youtube videos of people losing and often unsuccessfully searching for them.

It seems like a good idea, but what is your thought about doing so? Is there a downside to that?
Hi, I am fairly new to the drone world having purchased my first drone - a Mavic 3 Classic this past July and since then a Mavic 3 Pro. I simply put a sticker on each one with my cell phone # and hope that one would reach out should the drone crash or get lost. SMK
My very first drone, a P3P, I attached a label with my phone number, which I finally removed when I sold it recently. I never needed it. All of my drones are registered and have their registration numbers attached. That's all i have ever worried about since.
So, with the above, do you have your name on your drone?
No, but it's only because I've been flying DJI drones since 2016, I don't fly BVLOS, I normally fly in wide open areas, and I'm fairly confident I could find a downed drone with the flight log if all else fails.

With that said, I wouldn't be afraid to add my contact information to my drones -- or at least on the memory card since that would be more convenient.
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