I've used IBMs since the original 5150 PC came out in 1980. And Compaq. And pretty much every knockoff and main retailer since. Some are always trash like Acer or Gateway. Some are okay in some years and not okay in other years, like Dell or HP.
DOS, Windows, Linux, you name it, I used it heavily. I still use Linux a lot for 3D Printing and other semi-industrial tasks. I used Unix systems in college so it's comfortable to me.
Before Apple switched to Intel, I had no interest in their platform. I did see a PowerPC Macbook Pro early on, and thought it looked nice, but never really liked the MacOS 9 or earlier platforms. I like their laptops and desktops now that they're built on a real Unix base and I can run a wide mix of software. That said, I do not like iPads, iPods, iPhones or the ilk. And Apple is trying to turn the MacBook Air and MacBook and even lower-grade MacBook Pros into glorified tablets, adding their new "smudge bar" instead of real keys, and gluing down everything they can get away with.
Have gotten Apple hardware for the family ever since... several laptops and even a couple Mac Minis over the years for media. I recently bought my second 27" iMac, and loaded it up to 40 GB of aftermarket RAM, while that option still exists. We will have to see if this is the last Apple or if they will continue to support the non-tablet world.