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Info about the Insta360 Sphere… Also: Could you add an onboard phone?


Well-Known Member
Premium Pilot
Nov 17, 2019
Rockville, MD
So, I’ve ordered an Insta360 Sphere, a nifty new 360-degree camera that straps tightly and securely to an Air 2 or an Air 2S and takes seamless 360º photos or video in all directions. It’s arriving next week; I’m eagerly looking forward to it. Anyone who owns an Air 2 or Air 2S should check it out.

The Sphere is built much like Insta360’s other cameras; I have the Insta360 One X2, and have had a good time hanging it from the belly of my Mavic, as I have previously detailed here. But the Sphere’s video promises to be much more seamless, vibration-free, and doesn’t require any postprocessing to get rid of the drone flying overhead.

For Mavic Air 2 pilots who have been deeply envious of the Air 2S’s capabilities, as I have been, this is a great equalizer. With this camera onboard, we’ll be able to take some truly amazing video, and those fancypants 2S people will have no advantage.

The Sphere doesn’t talk to the aircraft in any way; while the Mavic will send lovely live video back to the Fly app from its camera, everything is stuck on the Sphere until you land and transfer the files to the Insta360 app via Wi-Fi or pop out the SD card and process the files on your computer In the Insta360 desktop app.

I have an idea about this. Before we get started, I am well aware that this is potentially a very stupid idea.

The Insta360 phone app has the ability to live-stream 360º video it receives from the camera. This works for the One X2, and should for the Sphere as well. The trick is that the Wi-Fi range of the Sphere is said to be about 10 meters, which is about what it is for the One X2, though that’s less of an issue, because the One X2 is frequently within 10 meters of where my phone and I am.

So! Would it be [possible/advisable/horribly dangerous] to strap a phone to the top of the Mavic, fire up the Insta360 app on that phone, get live-streaming going, go for a flight, and then have the phone, over its cellular connection, live-stream the 360 aerial video from the Sphere? I believe it would be pretty cool if it could.

Some data: The Sphere weighs 192 grams altogether. The very biggest iPhone, the 13 Pro Max, weighs 240 grams. (Obviously, a smaller phone would be better, but this is the one I own. An IPhone 13 Mini, for reference, is just 141 grams.) The Air 2 weighs 570 grams itself and can lift up to another 830 grams, though it will just barely get off the ground if it’s hauling that much cargo. I ran tests where I had it haul 533 grams around, and it handled that pretty well. The Sphere and an onboard iPhone 13 Pro Max would weigh only 432 grams, plus a couple of grams of gaffer tape to secure the phone. (Sphere + iPhone mini would be only 333 grams…)

The GPS antenna on the Air 2 appears to be on top, toward the back legs; I‘m thinking you’d want to scoot the phone as far forward as you could, maybe crossways, to keep it clear of the Mavic’s GPS.

Think this would work? Any tips/warnings? Thanks!
A really bad idea and potentially illegal. Also, a huge liability if it became unattached and injured someone or damaged property from falling off the drone. Also, the drone would become unbalanced and it's flight characteristics would be compromised.
I’ve been researching the Sphere for a couple days. I LOVE that it’s a “this just works like terrestrial 360” solution. Smart!

I did see in a previous model from Insta360 that many people had trouble with the rig because it blocked GPS and they lost stabilization and had to fly in attitude mode. The Sphere supposedly solves that problem, but only on Air 2/2s.

I’d be concerned that a big phone/mount would obstruct drone GPS… risking everything!
I’ve been researching the Sphere for a couple days. I LOVE that it’s a “this just works like terrestrial 360” solution. Smart!

I did see in a previous model from Insta360 that many people had trouble with the rig because it blocked GPS and they lost stabilization and had to fly in attitude mode. The Sphere supposedly solves that problem, but only on Air 2/2s.

I’d be concerned that a big phone/mount would obstruct drone GPS… risking everything!
I lost my Air2s due to the sphere . It puts the drone in atti mode , yes i acquired 18 plus satellites and homepoint every time before I mounted it . I found it also reduces the RC signal. Hence , any drone that loses gps and RC signal = bad things happen
I lost my Air2s due to the sphere . It puts the drone in atti mode , yes i acquired 18 plus satellites and homepoint every time before I mounted it . I found it also reduces the RC signal. Hence , any drone that loses gps and RC signal = bad things happen
I just received my Insta360 Sphere, and your post raises grave concerns.
Can you be more specific about exactly how you lost it?
Anything you would do differently in hindsight, to prevent losing it, while still using the Sphere?

If the HP was properly set, losing the RC signal should cause it to RTH.
A drone in ATTI mode still knows where the HP is and can navigate back to it, unless ATTI mode is due to losing GPS, in which case the FPV can still be used to manually fly it home.
However, if it simultaneously loses GPS and RC signal, all bets are off! 😳

Here is a link to a review confirming the GPS issues, but not a complete loss of control, just signal degradation as you mention. "Recording with the Sphere results in a 10mb drop in signal." He still recommended it, but suggested keeping it close-by, within VLOS, and hand launching and hand catching.

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I just received my Insta360 Sphere, and your post raises grave concerns.
Can you be more specific about exactly how you lost it?
Anything you would do differently in hindsight, to prevent losing it, while still using the Sphere?

If the HP was properly set, losing the RC signal should cause it to RTH.
A drone in ATTI mode still knows where the HP is and can navigate back to it, unless ATTI mode is due to losing GPS, in which case the FPV can still be used to manually fly it home.
However, if it simultaneously loses GPS and RC signal, all bets are off! 😳

Here is a link to a review confirming the GPS issues, but not a complete loss of control, just signal degradation as you mention. "Recording with the Sphere results in a 10mb drop in signal." He still recommended it, but suggested keeping it close-by, within VLOS, and hand launching and hand catching.

If you attach it to your air 2s , and you lose RC signal whilst the GPS reception is impaired by the sphere , your drone will land , be it over water or unsuitable land . The air 2 is more forgiving in that it will hover until low battery, giving you time to reestablish the connection. It does weaken the rc signal and I found I lost gps not matter what way I mounted it .Be very very careful using this.Its advertised by the manufacturer and most reviewers as having no impact on gps , but that's just not true
You'll be ok if operating within VLOSas regards the RC signal , but be aware that you will lose GPS , and while flying in atti mode your drone will be very susceptible to drifting in the breeze every time you stop.
You'll be ok if operating within VLOSas regards the RC signal , but be aware that you will lose GPS , and while flying in atti mode your drone will be very susceptible to drifting in the breeze every time you stop.
Anything you would do differently in hindsight, to prevent losing it, while still using the Sphere with the Air 2S?
Why is the Air 2 any different?
Why will the Air 2S land while the Air 2 will hover instead?
ATTI mode is fine, but loss of RC signal is not without GPS.
Only use on a windless day and stay well within VLOS , and be wary of flying thru objects and under bridges and such. Thats where i went wrong . I lost rc connection on far side of bridge i flew under successfully. I thought it would hover as thats what i had it set to , if it lost connection ,but hover was over ridden by the landing protocol because gps was also lost. I had performed same flight without sphere earlier and never lost rc signal . So be aware that hover and rth will not work if you lose gps and rc connection
Only use on a windless day and stay well within VLOS , and be wary of flying thru objects and under bridges and such. Thats where i went wrong . I lost rc connection on far side of bridge i flew under successfully. I thought it would hover as thats what i had it set to , if it lost connection ,but hover was over ridden by the landing protocol because gps was also lost. I had performed same flight without sphere earlier and never lost rc signal . So be aware that hover and rth will not work if you lose gps and rc connection
Thank you.
Those are very helpful specifics, so I don't repeat your experience!
How would the Air 2 have been any different?
The Fly app ,where the lost RC signal protocol is set, is the same for both.
With the Air 2 , it hovers when rc signal is lost in Atti mode (may drift in the wind) , gives you time to move your location and restore direct line of sight . You dont get this with the Air 2 S . It will land after rc connection is lost after 15 - 20 secs. And your idea about attaching a phone , that a suicide mission , and anyway you couldnt mount it without it being seen in the 360 footage . 'Besides that the range of the connection is only about 20 feet , so if you think you could control the sphere whilst its in flight you are mistaken. That feature is only used for changing the camera parameters prior to taking off and downloading footage to your phone .
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With the Air 2 , it hovers when rc signal is lost in Atti mode (may drift in the wind) , gives you time to move your location and restore direct line of sight . You dont get this with the Air 2 S . It will land after rc connection is lost after 15 - 20 secs. And your idea about attaching a phone , that a suicide mission , and anyway you couldnt mount it without it being seen in the 360 footage . 'Besides that the range of the connection is only about 20 feet , so if you think you could control the sphere whilst its in flight you are mistaken. That feature is only used for changing the camera parameters prior to taking off and downloading footage to your phone .
If that is true, it sounds like a minor parameter change controlling the loss of signal behavior in ATTI mode, that should easily be able to be modified with DH on the Air 2S. Have you been able to verify different default parameter settings in the FW of each aircraft of the appropriate parameters to confirm this?

I'm not the OP. Just a poster. I have no intention of mounting any phone to the Air 2S. Just the Sphere360.

So, to be clear, it was your deliberately flying the Air 2S through an area that you knew would cause signal loss that caused the loss of your Air 2S and the Sphere360?

My safety takeaway is never fly the combo in any area that could cause complete signal loss without the Sphere360 mounted, like under a bridge.
Well no , I had flown under the bridge and out other side with no sphere attached without losing signal previous to the flight that ended badly. Had I known the sphere wod weaken the rc signal also I would not have tried it .
Well no , I had flown under the bridge and out other side with no sphere attached without losing signal previous to the flight that ended badly. Had I known the sphere wod weaken the rc signal also I would not have tried it .
You still haven't explained clearly enough why the Air 2 would be better. How do you know the Air 2 loss of signal in ATTI mode results in hovering until battery exhaustion, instead of uncontrolled descent after 20 seconds, like you are stating the Air 2S will do.

Have you actually found and examined the parameter that controls this behavior to know that it is programmed differently between the two drone models?

Have you reflown this route with the Air 2 and the Sphere 360, or flown it before with the Air 2 and the Sphere360, prior to losing the Air 2S?
I just received my Insta360 Sphere, and your post raises grave concerns.
Can you be more specific about exactly how you lost it?
Anything you would do differently in hindsight, to prevent losing it, while still using the Sphere?

If the HP was properly set, losing the RC signal should cause it to RTH.
A drone in ATTI mode still knows where the HP is and can navigate back to it, unless ATTI mode is due to losing GPS, in which case the FPV can still be used to manually fly it home.
However, if it simultaneously loses GPS and RC signal, all bets are off! 😳

Here is a link to a review confirming the GPS issues, but not a complete loss of control, just signal degradation as you mention. "Recording with the Sphere results in a 10mb drop in signal." He still recommended it, but suggested keeping it close-by, within VLOS, and hand launching and hand catching.

So how's it going so far? have you had a chance to test it out? Please keep us updated, as some of us are looking to perhaps try this thing out as well.
So how's it going so far? have you had a chance to test it out? Please keep us updated, as some of us are looking to perhaps try this thing out as well.
Still sitting in its carry bag! Might try it on the Air 2 first, given Mazdaman323lx's representations, without further clarification. My daily bird is the Mavic 3, and with diminishing daylight, not much time for experimentation with the older aircraft. Will update with any new info. It will also require learning a new program to edit the 360° Video footage, which I have no prior experience with.
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Have to put in my 2 cents here.
On testing the sphere, I lost most GPS sats no matter how I started it. Usually get 26 where I live and with the sphere it was 11 max (even just now, I had 25 then when the sphere went on it dropped to 10)
Flying stability is quite poor, even with no wind, it's an imbalanced weight and the drone makes so much more noise too because the motors are working so much harder.
Camera is great in sphere mode when uploading to YouTube and quality is awsome but editing to make cool fpv shots the quality drops massively, their editing software is awful on the app, on the laptop it's better but still lacks decent quality. I use 4k on all vids as it's pretty much standard but with the edited footage, best it can be really is 1080p, the 4k export just has too much noise, both using a pc or Mac.
Also I won't go out of vlos as I just don't trust it, yet without the sphere I'm happy flying the air 2s up to 3 miles out to sea.
It's a great toy and you can get some amazing 360 footage but I totally regret buying it. It'll be sold on when I've done some more footage around the woods, but there's no way I'm going out to sea with it or over a lake.

I actually felt safer with a cheaper 360 camera hanging from the drone, and it was quieter when flying.
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I have had the Insta360 Sphere with an Air2 for a couple of months now. I honestly don't see much, if any, difference in the number of GPS sats with or without the 360. I don't see any difference in stability at all. I haven't really listened for a noise difference, but I have to believe that if there was a big difference, I would have noticed it.

So I have not seen any of the flight issues that others have seen, but I have to agree with the comments on the editing software. There is a lot of room for improvement there.
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I have had the Insta360 Sphere with an Air2 for a couple of months now. I honestly don't see much, if any, difference in the number of GPS sats with or without the 360. I don't see any difference in stability at all. I haven't really listened for a noise difference, but I have to believe that if there was a big difference, I would have noticed it.

So I have not seen any of the flight issues that others have seen, but I have to agree with the comments on the editing software. There is a lot of room for improvement there.
Sounds like it is the Air 2S that has the GPS problem, rather than the Air 2. Hmmmm. My Insta360 Sphere is still in the bag!

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