What NASA is doing is asking us to believe them. and I’m saying this:
Why I Don't "Believe" in "Science" - The Bulwark
Those kids are not rocket scientists, they are computer geeks, data modelers, 3D artists etc. It is very easy to check them. Most of them worked one way or the other on some 3D game designs, one guy worked for Disney. Most of the team from DSN are artists, alsmot all of them, they actually call themselves artists on their twitter/Facebook profiles. They do not call themselves rocket scientists...
If you look at NASA library overwhelming majority of media is “visual representation/artist concept” 3D renderings of the Mars, landing etc. I’m not saying they didn’t do what they claim, I’m just saying why should we believe in science if we could be testing it.
I have spend hours digging through their documents, and it is all conceptual conflicting research, different papers have different values, thats why I'm curious about the specs.
First they have asked few Universities to develop proof of concept of Mars helicopter, they received few papers back (all of them saying this might or might not fly) and picked one, I have that research in PDF, it is all “theoretical model” at that point.
NASA took that paper and send it to few more universities and said: Here is our Mars Helicopter, please scale it up from this design, again they have received back the theoretical scaled up models for future missions. Guys from India showed phantom props as example of efficient desing, I have their research too.
NASA research documents that can be found online are conflicting and that’s is why I’m skeptical.
Here is an example:
Mars Helicopter has 0.04 m2 solar panel 21.9W/m2 and 12Ah 6 cell Li-ion battery. 350W is expanded during 90s flight. According to NASA, Mars gets only 50% of sun exposure in comparison to Earth. (NASA says panel drops 0.3% efficiency daily due to dust) I’m super curious how this solar panel will charge onboard battery to be able to survive super cold -90C -130F Martian nights. The math doesn’t add up.
On average Mars is -58F that means battery has to be kept warm 24/7 to much higher temp. If the battery is 400g that would be about 7W per hour just to keep it warm. Not to mention they targeted 15 years service time with one flight a day, that’s bonkers, no Li-ion battery can take that, but researc hpaper talks about it.
“How would you prove your belief in a scientific test in the same way you feel necessary when there are photos & video and analysis done by highly educated and experienced professionals - real observable data?”
There is no analysys, by having tech spec of each component, one can calculate if what they show, makes sense. Call it double checking

. And if they would show us telemetry data it would be even more realistic and easier to check.
If we have all the tech details we can calculate a lot.
I can just tell you, we will never get it because this stuff is most likely fake, there is no prop that can do what they say it can, do due low Reynolds Number on Mars.
If you want to call me conspiracy theorist for asking for data, joke is on you.