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Is anyone else experiencing frequent disconnections?


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2016
After just a few flights without any trouble, during my last flight I experienced quite a few disconnects, both in the form of the app disconnecting from the controller, and the controller disconnecting from the aircraft.

Initially, the app would just show disconnected for a few seconds and then reconnect on its own. This would happen repeatedly every 10-30 seconds, but the controller always maintained a solid connection to the aircraft and remained controllable.

But, a short while later, the controller started losing connection with the aircraft altogether. This triggered a RTH and auto-land at various times. At one point, the controller disconnected immediately after takeoff, and I had to wait through 30 seconds of loss of control until I could land the aircraft again.

Pretty scary stuff. I wasn't near any significant sources of interference--almost nothing, actually. The range varied from 3m to 300m, and the radio signal always showed at max. The firmware is up-to-date, as of today, with the latest DJI GO app version installed (3.0.1) on Android. My device is the Google Pixel.

I'd love to hear of similar experiences as I continue to troubleshoot. I'm afraid to fly much until I can identify the cause. Thanks!
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Was it a clear line of site? Ocusync penetration doesn't appear to be any better for me than my P3S. And if you go over a little hill, bam the signal is gone.
Was it a clear line of site? Ocusync penetration doesn't appear to be any better for me than my P3S. And if you go over a little hill, bam the signal is gone.

This doesn't sound good.The main reason I got shot of my standard was for the exact scenario.
I thought ocusync was proven better than lightbridge.


Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
This doesn't sound good.The main reason I got shot of my standard was for the exact scenario.
I thought ocusync was proven better than lightbridge.


Sent from my iPhone using MavicPilots
Range is definitely better, penetration, not so much.
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Was it a clear line of site? Ocusync penetration doesn't appear to be any better for me than my P3S. And if you go over a little hill, bam the signal is gone.
Thanks for the reply. Yep, always direct line-of-sight. A couple times, I lost full connection with the aircraft hovering 8 feet off the ground, about 10 feet in front of me.

I'm going to do some more testing today. If anyone has seen reports of similar issues, I'd love to know about it. Thanks!
Thanks for the reply. Yep, always direct line-of-sight. A couple times, I lost full connection with the aircraft hovering 8 feet off the ground, about 10 feet in front of me.

I'm going to do some more testing today. If anyone has seen reports of similar issues, I'd love to know about it. Thanks!
Was it only that one flight? Maybe just a temporary bad connection?
A couple of back-to-back flights. Fingers crossed that you're right.
Was the controller on the whole time between batteries? I wonder if a power cycle would have fixed it if it was left on.
Was the controller on the whole time between batteries? I wonder if a power cycle would have fixed it if it was left on.
If I remember correctly, I powered cycled everything when I noticed the problem initially. But if I encounter a repeat scenario, then I'll take note of the steps I take and report back. Thanks! It's much appreciated.
After just a few flights without any trouble, during my last flight I experienced quite a few disconnects, both in the form of the app disconnecting from the controller, and the controller disconnecting from the aircraft.

Initially, the app would just show disconnected for a few seconds and then reconnect on its own. This would happen repeatedly every 10-30 seconds, but the controller always maintained a solid connection to the aircraft and remained controllable.

But, a short while later, the controller started losing connection with the aircraft altogether. This triggered a RTH and auto-land at various times. At one point, the controller disconnected immediately after takeoff, and I had to wait through 30 seconds of loss of control until I could land the aircraft again.

Pretty scary stuff. I wasn't near any significant sources of interference--almost nothing, actually. The range varied from 3m to 300m, and the radio signal always showed at max. The firmware is up-to-date, as of today, with the latest DJI GO app version installed (3.0.1) on Android. My device is the Google Pixel.

I'd love to hear of similar experiences as I continue to troubleshoot. I'm afraid to fly much until I can identify the cause. Thanks!

I had the same problem using a Nexus 6P. No issues flying inside with a ton of interference or even off my balcony. This weekend I took it to a more open area I got at least 3 disconnects during a single flight. At one point when it disconnected it started flying away from me. Luckily it was high enough to clear a fence and once it realized it lost connection to the RC rth kicked in. had to reboot the RC to get it to connect again. Our phones are not on the supported list but I'm not sure why that would cause the RC to disconnect. Either way, a few firmware updates should get them working fine.

sidenote: props for having a Pixel!
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When I connected up to my mavic today I was getting the same battery error as before (battery error displayed prior to mavic disconnecting). Tried using it with a Nexus 7 tablet, got no errors. Tried it again with the 6P and did not get any battery error. Only thing I did with the phone was clear the apps data and reinstall DJI go. I don't think it's a permanent solution, but it's good to see the errors go away for now.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using MavicPilots mobile app
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After just a few flights without any trouble, during my last flight I experienced quite a few disconnects, both in the form of the app disconnecting from the controller, and the controller disconnecting from the aircraft.

Initially, the app would just show disconnected for a few seconds and then reconnect on its own. This would happen repeatedly every 10-30 seconds, but the controller always maintained a solid connection to the aircraft and remained controllable.

But, a short while later, the controller started losing connection with the aircraft altogether. This triggered a RTH and auto-land at various times. At one point, the controller disconnected immediately after takeoff, and I had to wait through 30 seconds of loss of control until I could land the aircraft again.

Pretty scary stuff. I wasn't near any significant sources of interference--almost nothing, actually. The range varied from 3m to 300m, and the radio signal always showed at max. The firmware is up-to-date, as of today, with the latest DJI GO app version installed (3.0.1) on Android. My device is the Google Pixel.

I'd love to hear of similar experiences as I continue to troubleshoot. I'm afraid to fly much until I can identify the cause. Thanks!

I got my Mavic Friday and only had good enough weather to play with it Sunday. Early in the day on the first round of battery charges (got three with the flymore pack), had strong connection and no disconnect issues the whole time on all three batts at a local school ball field. I use android Moto DroidMaxx and latest firmware update on all ends/batteries. Later in the day on second round of charges and more confident in my skills from early flights (previous drone was 3DR Solo), went to more scenic location and immediately experienced exactly what you are describing. Very frustrating cause it burned my remaining daylight and ruined my way point shots I was trying to set up. It occurred to me it could just be the location but also happened in two nearby locations as well (all within five miles).

Later it occurred to me that I had not used my FAA card (small laminated FAA UAV registration) with my initial round of uneventful flights. For the second round, I put the small laminated FAA card in the battery compartment of the Mavic under the battery (this is what I did in my Solo as well). I experienced the issues with multiple batteries on the second round of flights but had the card in there for all attempts. I wondered if the card somehow caused interference with the Mavic (also got some battery error messages on my app). Did think about the FAA card until later and weather is no longer good enough to test the theory. I don't think it's probable that the small card could disrupt the Mavic but who knows. Anyone else putting their FAA card in the battery compartment without issues?


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I got my Mavic Friday and only had good enough weather to play with it Sunday. Early in the day on the first round of battery charges (got three with the flymore pack), had strong connection and no disconnect issues the whole time on all three batts at a local school ball field. I use android Moto DroidMaxx and latest firmware update on all ends/batteries. Later in the day on second round of charges and more confident in my skills from early flights (previous drone was 3DR Solo), went to more scenic location and immediately experienced exactly what you are describing. Very frustrating cause it burned my remaining daylight and ruined my way point shots I was trying to set up. It occurred to me it could just be the location but also happened in two nearby locations as well (all within five miles).

Later it occurred to me that I had not used my FAA card (small laminated FAA UAV registration) with my initial round of uneventful flights. For the second round, I put the small laminated FAA card in the battery compartment of the Mavic under the battery (this is what I did in my Solo as well). I experienced the issues with multiple batteries on the second round of flights but had the card in there for all attempts. I wondered if the card somehow caused interference with the Mavic (also got some battery error messages on my app). Did think about the FAA card until later and weather is no longer good enough to test the theory. I don't think it's probable that the small card could disrupt the Mavic but who knows. Anyone else putting their FAA card in the battery compartment without issues?


I didn't put a card in with the battery. It was straight stock. But I got the same battery message. I think it came up right before it disconnected or right as it reconnected. I have a ticket open with DJI. I'll post here as I get updates.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using MavicPilots mobile app
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jonwitte and Jcage: thanks for the responses!

I returned yesterday to the original location at which I first experienced problems, which is on the boundary of my neighborhood and nothing around but desert landscape, and sure enough, I had the exact same issues, but a bit less frequent this time. Earlier that day, I flew at an old airport for an extended period of time and experienced zero issues whatsoever.

It's interesting to note that both of you encountered the "battery error." I failed to mention this before, but I experienced this error also (repeatedly) both times I experienced the disconnect issues. That can't be a coincidence. It's also interesting that this problem seems to happen for all three of us at remote locations. That doesn't tell us much, but at least it more-or-less rules out the possibility of strong interference being the issue.

Another similarity is that we're all using Android phones, which is a probable suspect for the issue. I'd try a different phone, but my backup device is my Nexus 6P, which jonwitte is using.

I've triple checked that I've applied the latest firmware as of yesterday (and to all of my batteries).

Please continue to report on this issue here, and I'll do the same. Thanks guys!
jonwitte and Jcage: thanks for the responses!

I returned yesterday to the original location at which I first experienced problems, which is on the boundary of my neighborhood and nothing around but desert landscape, and sure enough, I had the exact same issues, but a bit less frequent this time. Earlier that day, I flew at an old airport for an extended period of time and experienced zero issues whatsoever.

It's interesting to note that both of you encountered the "battery error." I failed to mention this before, but I experienced this error also (repeatedly) both times I experienced the disconnect issues. That can't be a coincidence. It's also interesting that this problem seems to happen for all three of us at remote locations. That doesn't tell us much, but at least it more-or-less rules out the possibility of strong interference being the issue.

Another similarity is that we're all using Android phones, which is a probable suspect for the issue. I'd try a different phone, but my backup device is my Nexus 6P, which jonwitte is using.

I've triple checked that I've applied the latest firmware as of yesterday (and to all of my batteries).

Please continue to report on this issue here, and I'll do the same. Thanks guys!
I'm thinking it comes down to poor support for newer versions of Android. My Nexus 7 didn't have any issues when I connected it up. App & firmware updates will probably fix it. Still haven't got any news on my ticket.

Sent from my Nexus 6P using MavicPilots mobile app
Download UAV Forecast and check the KP

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