I agree that we need laws to help maintain safety and order. However, having said that I think that stupid law abiding people with drones are much more dangerous than smart drone operators who intentionally break FAA laws from time to time.
Got to be the first time I've heard that being a law abiding citizen makes you stupid or dangerous....whoda thunk...LMAOI agree that we need laws to help maintain safety and order. However, having said that I think that stupid law abiding people with drones are much more dangerous than smart drone operators who intentionally break FAA laws from time to time.
So.. Don't wear a seat belt until your head goes thru the windshield? I don't follow your reasoning, other than don't overreact..I think until it IS a problem, It cant be called a problem. I am not saying its OK to fly in airspace with manned aircraft, but it has been nothing more than close calls and a couple of dings as of now. The other half of my point was danger to people on the ground. I have not heard of a single drone VS person fatality. Nothing more than cuts and bruises. Again, I am not saying it is OK to fly over crowds. But why treat it a real loss of life risk till it is proven to be a life threatening danger? This discussion always has the "sky is falling" tone for no real reason.
That's just smart flying...thanxFun maybe, but not factual. You don't have to be a member of the AMA to follow their guidelines.
I believe this is what is known as "RISK MANAGEMENT"I think until it IS a problem, It cant be called a problem. I am not saying its OK to fly in airspace with manned aircraft, but it has been nothing more than close calls and a couple of dings as of now. The other half of my point was danger to people on the ground. I have not heard of a single drone VS person fatality. Nothing more than cuts and bruises. Again, I am not saying it is OK to fly over crowds. But why treat it a real loss of life risk till it is proven to be a life threatening danger? This discussion always has the "sky is falling" tone for no real reason.
Well when out flying, I live in the country, and aircraft's are common yes, but I can hear and see them due to my land that I live on being open. So usually when I hear one I look around as most fly (what looks like) lower than 400 feet. So most of the time I am no where near one but when it is in the general area I turn sport mode on and fly away or come down or go up depending on where it is. My concern also isn't really getting caught because there isn't a way that I know of, of getting caught as they won't know who's flying it, so that doesn't really concern me unless they find a way to track me. Also the "Keep within line of sight" gets me because if I'm only 200 feet up and a couple miles away, I'm not sure whats wrong with that. I personally trust DJI but I'm not sure about anyone else.
I'd gander this individual knows how to life a full life. Pull that stick out homey.Get a life
Amen brother,Boom!! Here we go again. Is this a late April fools gag? Or click bait? Whatever, I’ll stick my nut above the parapet again....my opinion is.
It’s the same with speeding through roadworks, are you only concerned with getting caught and a fine and not at all concerned that your selfish actions are endangering the lives of the road workers who have families that would like them to come home to at the end of their shift. There is a true saying that we look to others how to act. Individuals start to act the way of the group rather than think for themselves whether something is right or wrong and challenge something. Ultimately,
If your actions (photos) are seen by others and they think, ‘hmm he’s done it and got away with it, I think I’ll try that myself’ and eventually, (and it will) cause an accident, are you also to blame for encouraging the behaviour, not acting responsibly and exhibiting the type of responsible behaviours that a civilised society expects.
I work in an extremely dangerous environment, every rule we have has come about because of a near miss or accident which has claimed lives in the past. I have lost count of the number of people & bits of people I have had to collect in a body bag simply because they think the rules don’t apply to them, they’ve done it before and got away with it, but not this time. I see the shattered lives of families, the grief on the faces of wives and children, and always the question...why?
I can hardly turn round to them and say that daddy or mommy were so utterly stoopid they thought the rules didn’t apply to them.
Come with me and I’ll let you meet some of these torn apart families, witness the all consuming grief first hand and between the tears and sobs I will let them look you straight in the eye and ask “what makes you so special that you think the rules don’t apply to you?”
FAA have placed a set of ground rules to try and keep everyone safe but also trying to allow the freedom to follow your hobby/business responsibly.
That’s my bit, now over to everyone else.
Same rule applies here in U.S....and yes I do believe that the drone in question could be traced to the original buyerDont know what your rules are, but here in Norway we are supposed to mark our drones with name and number. In the beginning i was thinking about this and say, if your drone falls out of the sky and hits someone in the head (worst case), dont you think a serial number on the specific drone can be tracked back to atleast who bought it in the first place.
Drones were ok to use at those distances and elevations before people screwed that up with ignorance and stupidity.So the real question to ask, why DJI make drones that consumers can buy it and reach miles and miles in range like the Mavic Pro? If it's illegal then why does the government don't block the sales of these drones? It doesn't make sense if you think about it. Cars can reach 200 mph, it's illegal yes, but there is a possibility that you can easily get pulled over by a cop when you drive like that than being caught by the FAA when you flying for miles with your Mavic. Unless you uploaded the content in YouTube.
Fantasy books is in the eyes of the unbeliever.Let's stay on topic and keep fantasy books out of the conversation please.
Anarchy....I just...., I tried.
They do and they do. As per YT video passing a Naval ship.In the US, military aircraft do not fly above mach at low altitude.
But they do fly well below 1000'.
I would be able to see the jet do it's end loop from the porch here in Canada and land just in time!mach 2 at 1000 feet. That would be the highlight of my day.
I wonder how many batteries he has on it...Maybe props with lights as well...LMAOSo you can see and hear a military jet going mach 2 at 1000 feet and can get out of it's way before your drone gets sucked into an engine? Good luck with that.
You can apply that to the marriage question soon to come up;There are two old sayings I agree with 100%. "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" and my favorite, "When guns are outlawed, I'll be an outlaw"!
Amen brother,
People are so apt to only think of themselves and I'll be the first to admit that I am not completely outside of that behavioural pattern myself and am very aware of it.
Not thinking of others and what could go wrong is a natural behavioural trait until it goes into overdrive and a disaster happens and reality is presented to an individual now to be stuck with the results that can't be reversed (reality).
To try and teach someone to behave otherwise (including our selves) is like swimming upstream. If you do succeed to make someone see it from the "what could this do to others" point of view, and get it to stick, (right!), they will eventually start seeing the usefulness of rules and regulations as I had to.
I hated control and outside intrusion as to how "I" wanted things done in my life but had to agree that my way wasn't always in the best interest of others.
The reason that rules are imposed is no doubt due to ignorance and blatant disrespect for safety and care for others. IMHO.
Rules work, and abiding by them keeps things on an even keel.
Not abiding by them will INCREASE rules, and once rules are made they never seem to go away.
So...here we go again, chewing the same old wad, PJ.
I am disgusted by the selfishness of some people. The "shot of a lifetime" may be worth it . . . . . until it isn't. Rules are there for a reason. We may not like them or understand them but there is a reason, no matter how remote or ridiculous they may seen. As a retired vet, I have seen the results of thinking like this. They have not been pretty.
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