I started with drones a while back. Had two cheapies fly way and spent some money got a bebop2. After a month got the Mavic Pro. Never looked back. I know about shutter speeds etc. I am comfortable with slr. But I have noticed that my videos seem to start and stop. It’s like I’m watching 100 short mp4s pasted together. It will go nice for 20 or 30 ft, stop, pick up a few ft down the way. I may exaggerate, but it just doesn’t look like a video on my camera or even my iPhone. I really haven’t juked with the settings. The other day I had the gimbal clamp on, and I started Mavic. But it lasted only a second. I have heard people say that they have left it on for several minutes and it caused no harm like I say I’m grasping here. I caught this right away and all the movements seem to be ok. When I rotate down or up the gimbal reacts. It just seems hesitant. I watched a vid about main Ctr settings, the three boxes? .25, .20 .20 was what he recommended. Then he messed with attitude, brake yaw. I dunno. I just can’t imagine it’s causing all this. Is there a way to return to factory settings? I’m sure there is. Anyway I’m sure you’ve got the idea and I apologize to the old timers if this has been covered till “hell won’t have it” thanks