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Landing Pads...

is it the type that twists open and has pegs to hold it from blowing away ,i only ask because a good way to keep it from blowing away, is to attach ledgering weights to the loops where the pegs are supposed to go, it still folds up and you can use it on any surface
Personally I had never heard the term ledgering weights (Is it primarily an European term?) so a quick search an this
The ledger
The ledger is the weight attached to the line. It helps to cast out and hold the bait static on the bottom.
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I just use a piece of Tyvek groundsheet from an old tent floor marked with coloured tape with an elasticated loop at each corner to peg down with four aluminium tent pegs.Have a small and a large depends on if I am hiking or not.Very lightweight and easy to pack.
Have you tried folding it back up yet, I had to YouTube to show me how ?
Yeah, I watched the Youtube video about 50 times before I got it right. Now, it's a lead pipe cinch. Oh no, I am showing my age!!
The colors are purely to enhance contrast. It’s helpful to the Pilot too as you may be manually landing and negotiating obstacles on the way down. Very easy to distinguish the LZ from 200’.
Ditto, I use the orange side.
My wife bought a landing pad for me for Father's Day. Never really thought about utilizing one until I received one. The pad is Blue on one side and Orange on the other side. Any specific reason for two different colors?
The advice to use weights is good. If unable to push pegs in fully they become a real prop hazard. I use the blue side, less conspicuous, in the wilds it could be mistaken for a HELP signal ! ?
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I have the the round twisting-type landing pad (which I always find a challenge getting it back in its pouch, but after 2-3 tries EACH time, I finally do). I HATE the plastic pegs as they are hard to push in dry ground and stick up too high, fear of getting props caught in them during landing. I really like the idea of the weights, but have to admit that I had to look up what a 'ledgering weight' is, since I am not a fisherman ;-).

I noticed that the photo above show them tied to the landing pad using zip ties, so I guess it is a permanent connection and do not need to add / remove the weights each time it is used and will still fold up into its pouch.

So my question is, what weight would folks recommend we consider getting. A recommendation on the weight per unit (assuming we are getting 3-weights), and assuming a wind condition that does not exceed the recommended amount for a Mavic 2 Zoom (my drone). Finally, a link to a recommended product on Amazon would be great ...
Have you tried folding it back up yet, I had to YouTube to show me how ?
Yep, I don't remember now what life was like before YouTube, but it must have been tough. :p

Actually, I do remember what it was like being a software developer before the internet: Everyone had a shelf full of expensive books. These days it's mostly Google->copy->paste.
The orange side is for beginners. Once you've logged 100 hours, you can start using the blue side.
I like your thinking. Blue shows the dirt up less. So dark to the mud for people who hate dirty things. Orange so you and other people can see it. I doubt the drone is bothered.
I always thought that if you had to stake it down so it wouldn't blow away, that it was too windy to fly.
I have the same pad (foldable, blue and orange) and I’ve honestly have never really thought about which side to use. Been almost a year with mine and after many, many flights I have never had the need to stake it down. its never moved for me.
If it needs staking down or weighted down - IT IS TOO WINDY TO FLY SAFELY!
is it the type that twists open and has pegs to hold it from blowing away ,i only ask because a good way to keep it from blowing away, is to attach ledgering weights to the loops where the pegs are supposed to go, it still folds up and you can use it on any surface
I have a Flathat 32 inch pad which has stakes to hold it in place. In any wind that is safe to fly the drone the pad has not moved. On grass and on hard ground. I haven’t used the stakes since the first few times
I use an empty black pizza box, smaller and keeps the sand and tall grass from impacting the drone. If it is windy you can put pebbles inside it to keep it from blowing away like your drone.
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This old dufus has finally graduated from landing pads! I now take off from the flat side of my backpack, and hand catch the landing.
Important: Backpack surface needs to be FLAT, and broad enough for all 4 legs. Beside rotors are CLEAR of anything.
I will only catch the bird if wearing a work glove in my catch hand. I land with the bird facing me (front rotors are higher). And I slide my hand (palm up) only a couple of inches below the belly (won't trigger down sensors) Keeping left stick down until shut-off.
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