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Gotta admit...license requirements getting me more and more confused. In my job I frequently take pictures of intersections and roundabouts. I would like to take a quick aerial pic as well for my files. Do I need to get any kind of license (or exemption or anything) to do this? I would not be flying above the actual roadway (or any populated area) at about treetop height. I've been flying DJI drones for several years (currently have a Mavic) and would like to include an aerial pic as part of my field inventory.

I thought this was a simple question but the more I research the more confused I get -- any advice is greatly appreciated!

If its for your work try to get them to pay for it. If your self employed you could always write it off. If its not job related then I would say you don't need it.
Congratulations on passing the test and making another milestone!

Can anyone provide guidance on whether or not I need to my license? As part of my job I often takes standard pics/video of the road or intersection I am studying and would like to add a couple aerial pics/video to my inventory phase. I'm about 50-80 feet high (not over the roadway but off to the side to get an oblique angle) for about 3 minutes. I do not charge for the pictures I take now and would not charge for the aerial pics - pics just make it easier for me when I get back in the office to remember what's out there. Do I need to get a license to get aerial pics?
Yes and no. If its not for compensation than no but you would be doing it for a work related thing so technically it is for compensation so the safe answer is yes. Can you not have one and get away with it? Yes. But if you crash and cause damage which is possible because you are in a public space you could cause problems for yourself. I think it would be a problem regardless if you had a license or not but if your legal and doing things by the book the odds might tilt in your favor. Its not a huge economic stress to get the license so I would recommend it. It's $150 every 2 years plus you need to find a way to study, I paid for a course, others have just studied free online stuff and passed.
Yes and no. If its not for compensation than no but you would be doing it for a work related thing so technically it is for compensation so the safe answer is yes. Can you not have one and get away with it? Yes. But if you crash and cause damage which is possible because you are in a public space you could cause problems for yourself. I think it would be a problem regardless if you had a license or not but if your legal and doing things by the book the odds might tilt in your favor. Its not a huge economic stress to get the license so I would recommend it. It's $150 every 2 years plus you need to find a way to study, I paid for a course, others have just studied free online stuff and passed.

Thx for the advice - I think I will move forward with getting my license just to be safe.

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