Yes for Panorama - Sort of.... Waypoint - Panorama Preset
Was just thinking about this. Within a Waypoint mission, if you use straight turns, you can use the Waypoint action > Panorma Preset feature to have it do a basic 1 row 360 pano. There are seemingly a max of 15 Wpt actions so when you take photo, rotate, take photo and so on end up a max of 7 images. Simply tapping the Pamorama preset option sets this up. Main caveat is you have to arrive with at the WPT with the video camera OFF. So the go is to place a WPT just prior with action Stop Recording.
If you wanted to use complex multi row Panoramas using the stand alone Litchi Panorama feature, should be nothing to stop you splitting things up. I envisage you could create 2 WPT missions, one to transit to the location you want to take the Pano at, doing whatever you want along the way and a second to return home via a route. When it gets last waypoint (your Pano location), you have Action set to None. So it stops and hovers. Switch across to Panorama where you have already set you preferences. Press Play to take Pano. On completion switch back to Waypoint Mode and Open a new flight plan, that you have created to bring you home, press play and it gets sent to aircraft to complete your mission.
Have not done this myself but I expect it would work so long as you maintain signal throughout.