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Litchi supporting MA2 soon.

It won’t be until August at the earliest, since that is when DJI predicts the Mavic Air 2 SDK (which Litchi needs) will be available
Yeah, the linked article simply says it will likely come soon. I think I will make it a point to never click on anything linked to that site.
It won’t be until August at the earliest, since that is when DJI predicts the Mavic Air 2 SDK (which Litchi needs) will be available
If DJI releases in August, my guess is it will be late this year or early next year for support from Litichi. In addition to all of the testing Litchi has to perform there is the upgrading the Litchi app from 32 bit to 64 bit. Since the Fly app is 64 bit, the SDK will be 64 bit as well and you cannot mix a 64 bit library into a 32 bit app. So hopefully Litchi has already started converting their app from 32 bit to 64 bit along with the testing of currently supported drones. If Litichi has done this by the time the SDK is released for the MA2, then integration can occur faster than if Litichi had waited.
In addition to all of the testing Litchi has to perform there is the upgrading the Litchi app from 32 bit to 64 bit. Since the Fly app is 64 bit, the SDK will be 64 bit as well and you cannot mix a 64 bit library into a 32 bit app.

I keep reading comments like this, but iOS dropped 32-bit support in iOS 11, almost 3 years ago, so this seems like an Android-centric concern. What's the situation on iOS? And if Litchi made the 64-bit transition on iOS already, shouldn't that help pave the way for Android?
Code bases for iOS and Android are not cross compatible. Substantial recoding is required.
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Any word on this?
From what I've seen with the mini 2 weeks. Drone link had it a week after sdk dropped for the mini and litchi another week after that. Red waypoint updated today so its possible any of the others could do the same, they probably have internal testing protocol that puts them out a week or so longer. I have no direct insider info on this, just my own speculation based on a previous model, the mini.

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