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looking for a few beta testers


Sep 23, 2018
Not sure if any of you have a Spark but we have 4 beta skins for free testing available, it is the Shock and Awe version as displayed on our site. PM me here for a test drive (lower US only for this test). Thanks!

We are getting ready to launch a set of skins for the Mavic Air (others to follow shortly) and would like to offer up a few free skins to some users here for review. We currently have a pretty good collection built of our Warbirds Edition. I'm putting a cap of 15 total and you'll have your pick from what we plan on offering. PM me here if you would like to take part. There is no cost to you for our beta run. One per Air please. Here is a link to our site to take a look - DillySkins - We are always open to your feedback based on what you think we might improve on. Thanks for helping us out and taking a look around.
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If you ever make any for a spark or the old mavic Pro I would like to be included .
I'll be glad to test it out. New drone pilot and already hate the dead flies on my Mavic Air :') are there still some spots left @DillySkins ?
Shoot, by the title, I thought DJI had released a new model again, and were looking for buyers??!
as of right now all slots are full, thank you to everyone that has responded, if you were going to purchase a skin what type of design would you be looking for?
as of right now all slots are full, thank you to everyone that has responded, if you were going to purchase a skin what type of design would you be looking for?
A futuristic mechanical kill all humans looking skin would be Kool. One that looks like "Defiance" from Star Trek Deep Space 9
as of right now all slots are full, thank you to everyone that has responded, if you were going to purchase a skin what type of design would you be looking for?

There is no holographic skin yet for the Mavic Air, but that is a huge challenge I think ;)

An lighter coloured skin can improve the visibility of the Mavic Air, and that in combination with some graphic design is nice.
What about trying abstract camouflage like they tried with the war ships
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