Just wanted to post a thread about how good the MP2 is. I've owned and flown all the Phantom series and the MP1 and I have to say I really like how the MP2 flies and the camera's capabilities. For the last six weeks I've been flying from a conservation ship. Our Phantom 4 Pro has had a number of issues related to flying from a ship and can't be used (IMU, compass, gimbal issues). The MP2 however has had over 50 flights on this trip and has been rock solid. In calmer conditions I hand launch and catch, in rougher conditions, the robust body makes it easier for another crew to launch or catch for me. Plus, it just feels better in flight than the P4P or MP1, at least to me. We've been able to capture some pretty cool video with the better camera. Anyway, my two cents on the Mavic Pro 2...