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Love the new drone but my neighbor doesn’t...


New Member
Sep 18, 2018
So I got my M2P Wednesday and flew it for the first time on Thursday in my neighborhood. There’s this lake in my neighborhood I wanted to take a look at so I flew over there. On the way I flew over my neighbors house thinking nothing of it. The next day he posted on our neighborhood fb page accusing me of peeking through his windows. I checked my flight log and showed I never even made a stop over his house nor changed my flight path. I just kept a consistent cruise at 390 ft high, went to the lake then turned back. Am I allowed to fly over houses? It was my first flight so I didn’t take a video or anything but here’s is the post. IMG_0130.JPG
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So I got my M2P Wednesday and flew it for the first time on Thursday in my neighborhood. There’s this lake in my neighborhood I wanted to take a look at so I flew over there. On the way I flew over my neighbors house thinking nothing of it. The next day he posted on our neighborhood fb page accusing me of peeking through his windows. I checked my flight log and showed I never even made a stop over his house nor changed my flight path. I just kept a consistent cruise at 390 ft high, went to the lake then turned back. Am I allowed to fly over houses? It was my first flight so I didn’t take a video or anything but here’s is the post. View attachment 47457
it’s not clear as of the moment whether one is allowed to fly a drone over private property. He, however, emphasized that FAA owns the aerospace individuals cannot claim ownership.

This means that one cannot deny or grant permission over their aerospace. All is not lost, though, he confirmed that one could base their complaints on grounds that;

  • The drones are causing a nuisance
  • They are being flown recklessly
  • They are violating the state privacy law
He further explained that if the plane lands or takes off from the property without operation, the operator can be sued for trespass. He concluded by confirming that there are local laws that prohibit the operation of UAVs over cities. He, therefore, urged drone operators and aggrieved parties to familiarize themselves with the laws governing their area. "

Source :Can Drones Fly Over Private Property? [And How to Stop Them]

As long as the FAA has not yet updated or ratified thier current rules and regulations you can fly in a safe manner over homes at altitude. Of course if that altitude is low to the ground outside a window (what every anti drone person will claim) then this is an invasion of privacy. Whats humorous is one would literally not be able to see in a window at the heights that are typically flown and glare from the reflection of the window becomes a factor.

Know and understand your right and the current rules and regulations . Then reply to his Facebook post calling you out offering to engage in a non emotional discussion that concerns the current state of all things drone. From what you posted of your flight it "appears" you are well within the rules that are currently established . Except potentially

Line of Sight. You did not mention if you could see with the unaided human eye that you could see your drone during its entire flight. If you could not you are breaking the FAA's rules or recommendations for safe drone flight.
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You should hope that they take some shots at your drone and you have your Video turned on as this is a Federal Crime and is treated as if someone fired at an actual airplane.

You have taken the time to get a personal articles policy on your new drone right? So that if anything of this nature took place you would be reimbursed for the cost of the drone while you fought this in court.
I'd politely confront your neighbor, tell them what you were doing, apologize if "they felt threatened," explain your intent (and future intent) when you fly and then avoid flying over their property in the future.

I rarely fly in front of my place but when I do I make myself visible and made my neighbors aware of what I was doing. I've had one issue about 2 years ago and quickly squelched the individual.
I like the above suggestion with one exception. Flying at the height you state you were flying 309 feet AGL is not an intrusion on any ones privacy except for perhaps the local doves, geese , and other flying birds. At 309 feet AGL the average person will not be able to hear the prop noise from the new Mavic 2 Pros high RPM and low noise propellors.

I would not concede to stop flying over his property as to do so indicates that you were WRONG and did something illegal. From what you have posted you have not. I would instead ask the neighbor if he or she believes that this is an illegal act and what law, rule, or statute they are referring to so that you may research it. If you bend like a willow in the wind you will further reinforce that drone pilots /flyers are all breaking rules "williy -nilly" .
No problem with the post but this should be in the general section... just sayin'
If this happened to me I would talk to the neighbor making the complaint. I would never respond on FB, you only invite further anger on this by others. I would explain to the neighbor what the regulations are, replay the flight log pointing out the position and elevation for the time the drone was over the neighbor's property. Give the conclusion that no FAA infraction occurred and if the neighbor still disagrees, I would give this person the instructions for filing a complaint. At no time would I give any ground, as long as I know I flew by the book.

Drone pilots need to stand their ground when operating within the FAA regulations, giving ground because it would cool down a situation only perpetuates the belief by people that they own the airspace above their property. This also applies to local police as well. This is why I keep copies of this FAA Press Release -


  • Press Release – FAA Statement–Federal vs. Local Drone Authority.pdf
    54.1 KB · Views: 117
Are you sure that they were referring to your Mavic? It's hard to imagine how anyone would regard a drone at 300 ft AGL as being close to any part of their house. It's barely visible at that height. Unless it's a really tall house, of course.
Could be his next door neighbor .
So I got my M2P Wednesday and flew it for the first time on Thursday in my neighborhood. There’s this lake in my neighborhood I wanted to take a look at so I flew over there. On the way I flew over my neighbors house thinking nothing of it. The next day he posted on our neighborhood fb page accusing me of peeking through his windows. I checked my flight log and showed I never even made a stop over his house nor changed my flight path. I just kept a consistent cruise at 390 ft high, went to the lake then turned back. Am I allowed to fly over houses? It was my first flight so I didn’t take a video or anything but here’s is the post. View attachment 47457
So I got my M2P Wednesday and flew it for the first time on Thursday in my neighborhood. There’s this lake in my neighborhood I wanted to take a look at so I flew over there. On the way I flew over my neighbors house thinking nothing of it. The next day he posted on our neighborhood fb page accusing me of peeking through his windows. I checked my flight log and showed I never even made a stop over his house nor changed my flight path. I just kept a consistent cruise at 390 ft high, went to the lake then turned back. Am I allowed to fly over houses? It was my first flight so I didn’t take a video or anything but here’s is the post. View attachment 47457
You’re not the first, this is pretty common. I have the police come to my house over this a couple times a year. If you’re not breaking any laws you have nothing to worry about. Have them prove you are invading their privacy.. and ask the police for evidence that it’s your drone and freely offer up your flight logs if there is any concerns.
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Just try to avoid further issues with this neighbor and take your drone to a field, park etc.
Maybe you had not gained the full altitude before you went over their house? over 300' it is not very easy too notice a drone. Someone is not telling the whole truth.
Was it the facebook poster or the pilot? I tend to believe that people exaggerate facts to make themselves believable. In this case? anyones guess. If they could see it and its red and green lights and hear it was whisper quiet, it was too close.
Maybe it wasnt the OP's drone at all. He knows what he did.
Does your neighbour have bedrooms in the 27th floor?

If the woman was outside to see it go over she must have been present for your accent also. She would know where if cane from.

You sure the Facebook story has anything to do with you at all?

What’s missing in this story?
long As your over 150’ your ok. I take off from my house and go up to 300’ then fly where ever I want.
long As your over 150’ your ok. I take off from my house and go up to 300’ then fly where ever I want.
If your unfortunate enough to experience an issue with the AC and end up causing injury or property damage you won’t be ok... there is a high level of assumed risk.

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