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Maiden flight - wow - and questions should be practicing flight maneuvers for awhile. You won't have any fun unless you're comfortable and that only comes with experience. I have lots of flying time and lots of ratings but I stayed in my back yard for a long time and I'm still not comfortable doing a lot of the things that people on the forum do without a second thought.
Agreed, I'm very new at this but every time I go out part of my flying is practicing maneuvers, figure eights, circles etc..
I just 'revisited' compass and imu calibration and noted that they must be calibrated first time out of the box or if the drone has been transported to a different location. I did NOT do this and I never checked the top left of screen to see if they needed calibration before my maiden flight because I had forgotten AND I could not view the screen well in the bright sunlight. Something else in my list of 'must do before each flight' which I compiled and print out to take with me.

I have (re)learned/was reminded of lots with this thread and so appreciative that so many people have bothered to assist. At least I didn't crash.
I put my check list on a note on my phone, cant fly the drone without the phone so I always have it. and every time I forget something I add it to my list..... So far...

Check list:
Remove gimbal guard (I have a hard time with this for some reason)
Check ALL batteries
Check UAV forecast
Check screen for everything
RTH settings..

That's what I have so far, but the list does keep growing.
I think he means the icon bottom centre of screen which shows the orientation of the drone and where it is in relation to the 'pilot'.
drone orientation icon.jpg
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Second flight (update)
Updated compass although there were no warnings on the left of screen and when I checked settings>safety>compass is displayed calibrate and I selected that and I did the 'actions' it requested.

Took off vertically for at least 7 metres and hovered for 10 seconds maybe. Did NOT hear any voice from the controller BUT there was a verbal message just BEFORE I took off which I cannot remember but maybe "home point has been updated".

Turned the drone around and used opposite controls for forward/reverse, sideways. Too easy.

Didn't use RTH, manually landing aircraft. Easy.

The controller 'beeped' at me when the drone became close to me when landing (anti collision) - nice.

I found that icon at bottom centre of screen showing orientation etc extremely small so much so that I had to bring the screen to within 30 cm of my eyes to see it. It would really be great if there were settings for how large these things display on the screen. How can I suggest this to DJI?

Also pressing that same icon displayed 'drone is behind controller' and regardless of where I flew the drone and which way I faced is displayed the SAME message and the placement of where my drone was supposed to be was incorrect. Have I done something wrong?
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What phone or tablet are you using for your display? I'm using an 8 inch tablet and it definitely makes a difference for being able to read things on the screen compared to a phone. Size, display brightness, and avoiding glare (shade or anti-glare screen protector) can all have a big impact.
That is really what I am complaining about, I have a 10 inch tablet and purchased it so that items on the screen would be larger and still I am having trouble.

One thing I just determined is that there is a 'adaptive' setting on my tablet which automatically controls the brightness and it was off. I turned it on and took the tablet outside in the sun and it automatically brightened the screen.
I will attempt to build a 'hood' but it won't stop the reflection of me so maybe the next step is to wearing a dark shirt.

That doesn't get over my problem with small text and icons. Just as other apps can be adjusted for text (font) size I wished that the FLY app allowed users to adjust text and icon sizes even if it might reduce the image size of what the camera is 'seeing'.
That is really what I am complaining about, I have a 10 inch tablet and purchased it so that items on the screen would be larger and still I am having trouble.

One thing I just determined is that there is a 'adaptive' setting on my tablet which automatically controls the brightness and it was off. I turned it on and took the tablet outside in the sun and it automatically brightened the screen.
I will attempt to build a 'hood' but it won't stop the reflection of me so maybe the next step is to wearing a dark shirt.

That doesn't get over my problem with small text and icons. Just as other apps can be adjusted for text (font) size I wished that the FLY app allowed users to adjust text and icon sizes even if it might reduce the image size of what the camera is 'seeing'.
I am also using an 8" tablet and have begun to keep it in my lap using a 6' USB cable instead of mounting it on the controller itself. I can shade the tablet with my body and hold the controller towards to the aircraft much easier I am finding.
Same. That's one problem with a large percentage of Android tablets - no magnetic compass.
I am definitely wanting a 10" tablet with a compass that actually runs DJI FLY. I am going to search the forum tonight and hopefully find a winner folks around here love. This is an expensive hobby. I'm starting to wonder if I should have just got a Cessna 172 instead of my first
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Same. That's one problem with a large percentage of Android tablets - no magnetic compass.
Is that true? The MA2 uses the tablet's inbuilt compass? Surely not.
When I selected calibrate compass it stepped me through the process first asking me to turn the drone around horizontally 360 degrees and when I had done that it asked me to turn the drone around vertically 360 degrees.. If FLY used the tablet why did it ask me to turn the drone?
Have a look at this tutorial where it mentioned the INBUILT compass etc Calibrating compass and IMU
Is that true? The MA2 uses the tablet's inbuilt compass? Surely not.
When I selected calibrate compass it stepped me through the process first asking me to turn the drone around horizontally 360 degrees and when I had done that it asked me to turn the drone around vertically 360 degrees.. If FLY used the tablet why did it ask me to turn the drone?
Have a look at this tutorial where it mentioned the INBUILT compass etc Calibrating compass and IMU

The aircraft uses its own compass, which is what you are calibrating.
Is that true? The MA2 uses the tablet's inbuilt compass? Surely not.
When I selected calibrate compass it stepped me through the process first asking me to turn the drone around horizontally 360 degrees and when I had done that it asked me to turn the drone around vertically 360 degrees.. If FLY used the tablet why did it ask me to turn the drone?
Have a look at this tutorial where it mentioned the INBUILT compass etc Calibrating compass and IMU
You're confusing AC compass used for flight with device compass used to orient the orientation indicator and map.

Assuming your device has a compass, view the map. Now spin around. If you have the map view as heads up versus north up, the map will spin with you.
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Is that true? The MA2 uses the tablet's inbuilt compass? Surely not.

I believe the DJI FLY app on the tablet or phone uses the internal compass for that pointer. I assume this because since the arrow didn't work for me I downloaded an android compass app to see if it needed to be calibrated or something and it told me my device didn't have one. I think the arrow will come up and work if I am moving. The map has a line to home that always works so I just use that.
Well I just located a video tutorial focussed on the Position and Heading Indicator and possible reasons for inaccuracies and it states that the cell/mobile phone (tablets included) should have their inbuilt compass calibrated too.
GREAT my tablet does not have a compass and from what I have found out their are many others which also don't have an inbuilt compass. Why then is it necessary to have this when the MA2 appears to have a internal compass?
Now that's another feature (in built compass) requirement for the cell/mobile phone/tablet necessary for the MA2 to operate correctly. Another 'feature' I found out the hard way was that the 64bit version of Android O/S was necessary and so I needed to purchase a new tablet after purchasing the MA2.
Why don't DJI make it clear what features are required and which ones are most desirable?
I was completely in the dark.
Does that mean the Position Heading Indicator will never work correctly?
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Well I just located a video tutorial focussed on the Position and Heading Indicator and possible reasons for inaccuracies and it sates that the cell/mobile phone (tablets included) should have their inbuilt compass calibrated too.
GREAT my tablet does not have a compass and from what I have found out their are many others which also don't have an inbuilt compass. Why then is it necessary to have this when the MA2 appears to have a internal compass?
Now that's another feature (in built compass) requirement for the cell/mobile phone/tablet necessary for the MA2 to operate correctly. Another 'feature' I found out the hard way was that the 64bit version of Android O/S was necessary and so I needed to purchase a new tablet after purchasing the MA2.
Why don't DJI make it clear what features are required and which ones are most desirable?
I was completely in the dark.
Does that mean the Position Heading Indicator will never work correctly?

My first minutes with my new MA2 involved not being able to install DJI FLY on my new 32bit phone Samsung android phone... I flew it with no phone at all in my living room until I borrowed an iPhone that worked 100%. Next I ran and got the 8" ONN pro tablet people said worked and have really loved it even after I figured out the compass thing...

DJI does have a recommended and approved list of devices on their website. I was just too cheap to buy one of them...
DJI does have a recommended and approved list of devices on their website. I was just too cheap to buy one of them...
I have viewed the list many times and my only comment from personal observation are -
1) It contains mostly cell/mobile phones - not many tablets
2) Most in the list are old models and only available now as used
3) The remaining models seem to be top of the range (and top of the prices too). I was really stretched to be able to afford the MA2 and so wanted to keep my spend on a new tablet to a minimum and still needed to spend around $A600 on a tablet. The ones at $A1000+ were out of my budget.

My question now is which 'features' of the FLY app are not available to a user with a device which does not have an inbuilt compass? I am thinking that if the Position Heading Indicator won't then I can use the map which obviously will display where the drone and it seems will display the heading on the drone AND that the user probably would only need to view that if they don't have visual sight of the drone and as such isn't used a lot. Is that correct?
What is the inbuilt compass in the drone used for? Tracking itself?
AC compass provides fine tuned yaw information for the flight control.

It's also needed to provide you with its heading on the map and position indicator, particularly when yawing in a hover.
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Well I just located a video tutorial focussed on the Position and Heading Indicator and possible reasons for inaccuracies and it states that the cell/mobile phone (tablets included) should have their inbuilt compass calibrated too.
GREAT my tablet does not have a compass and from what I have found out their are many others which also don't have an inbuilt compass. Why then is it necessary to have this when the MA2 appears to have a internal compass?
Now that's another feature (in built compass) requirement for the cell/mobile phone/tablet necessary for the MA2 to operate correctly. Another 'feature' I found out the hard way was that the 64bit version of Android O/S was necessary and so I needed to purchase a new tablet after purchasing the MA2.
Why don't DJI make it clear what features are required and which ones are most desirable?
I was completely in the dark.
Does that mean the Position Heading Indicator will never work correctly?
The AC compass cannot tell the app which way YOU are facing.

Say the AC is in front of you 100ft, and you're facing north. If all is working, position indicator will show the AC at the top, representing it being in front of you.
Now you turn 90 degrees right, which means you are now facing east, with AC on your left. The position indicator will orbit the AC icon around you to show it is to your left. Determining which way you're facing can't be determined by GPS.
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