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Master Airscrew STEALTH Props for Mavic Mini?

Just went to their web site, Mavic Mini props weren't on the product list.
Ahoj. Odpovězte Master Airscrew 24.11.2020 na otázku o rekvizitách pro MM: Ano, očekávám a vydám v prosinci

Hi. Answer Master Airscrew 24.11.2020 to the question about props for MM: Yes, I expect and will release in December

Well then I hope it's pretty soon because December is rolling by quickly!
Still nothing on there site, I sent them an email asking again, but didn't get a response.
They are announcing in their site, that they are coming soon. Let‘s see...
They are announcing in their site, that they are coming soon. Let‘s see...
I'm not sure, but I think it has said that all last year.
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I just received the Orange propellers from Master Airscrew for my MA2 and find a lot of molding flash on the edges of the blades. 51 Drones on YouTube reported this a few days ago and found them to cause vibration or what appears to be an out of balance condition. Has anyone else seen this?
I think you are posting to wrong thread, should try Master Airscrew Stealth Props Now Available for MA2
Thx for the feedback and I will do that as well. I should have stated the reason I posted here is to be aware there may be quality issues with the new MM props from MA as well and just wanted MM folks to be aware. The blade edges on the OEM props for the MA2 are definitely smooth and free of flash. Hope this helps.
I had emailed just the other day and this is the response I got:

We truly can't say when and most importantly if we will be developing Mavic Mini propellers. We will do our best to add them to our product portfolio but it will not be in the foreseeable future probably. Sorry to disappoint you.
Best regards,
MAS Team

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