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Mavic 2 Flyaway (solved)

Ah, wow, never had that before. Many thanks, just learnt something new:).
I have had my Mavic 2 Zoom for about 6 months. I may go as much as 2 weeks between flights because of work or the weather.
I do a compass calibration each time I change flying locations. some people say it's not needed but I figure the time I spend doing this is time well spent. It's kinda like a check list I do.
I did get to close to a cell phone tower once but I was getting choppy video. My display said lost of signal... return to home.
At this time I pushed the joystick forward to gain height and re-acquired signal. After then I headed for home.
Those cell towers are broadcasting strong signals. Now the 5G poles they are putting around Houston present another problem.
Going on a tangent, but calibrating compass at each site could cause you to lose a perfectly good calibration.
D: I completely agree with DanMan. All you need to do in order to ensure that the system's compass is working properly is check the heading of the aircraft on the Radar display while it's on the ground. If you set the aircraft down pointing to a cardinal heading, (090, 180, etc.,) and you can see that the pointer is in fact facing that direction, you're good to go. I do wish DJI would include the magnetic heading of the aircraft in the display to be a bit more accurate and, to determine if there's a slight error in the heading. But as Dan said, you run the risk of losing a good compass cal if you "do the spinning drill" every time you change locations.
From what I've read on the forum about dozens of fly-aways, I think the most important thing you can do before takeoff is to visually verify that your aircraft is truly pointed in the compass direction you think it is. I'd guess that 95% of the fly-aways would not have occurred if that had been done. It's a difficult lesson to learn "the hard way."
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