I will replace it later this week, can take a photo then.Can you post a photo?

I agree with you. I have som more photos on my google drive. Drone Crash - Google DriveNot that it helps much, or at all, but something just occurred to me. If you still have the bit left behind can you post a GOOD photo of the break surfaces?
The nature of the break surface can often suggest the mechanism behind the failure.
A practising engineer may recognise them.
Looking at the 4th photo the break surface nearest your thumb looks smooth whilst the surface of the other side looks rough and hollowed out.
I have very vague and distant recollections of the former being a characteristic of a fatigue failure i.e. an initial small crack etc. that grows slowly over time and cycles, and the latter a tensile ( and sudden) failure but I only ever saw them in steels.
I have no idea if they leave the same surfaces in this sort of plastic.
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