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Mavic Air 2 questions


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2017
Hopefully someone will get one soon.
Meanwhile after watching many reviews I have some questions.
  • Will it get Litchi support?
  • Does the new app allow adjusting critical parameters for cinema
    • yaw speed, yaw response (EXP curves), smooth braking
    • Does it have cinema/tripod mode
  • How bad is low light noise with the higher density sensor
  • Is it actually 48 mp or some fancy bit dancing
  • Is the HDR actually effective?
    • Can it be used with RAW or just JPG
    • What color mode for cinema
  • Finally - I heard a reviewer opine this is an introductory price that can get raised later
    • Theory being Dji trying to maintain market share with 2 new capable US made drones, trade war, etc.
Opinions or answers welcome. I'm about >< this close to pulling the trigger for photography purposes.
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I will answer what I can.

Yes it does support RAW photos.

HDR from what I have heard leaves something to be desired

It also supports D-Cinelike but Dlog compatibility is saved for the pro line

I doubt DJi will raise the price, however I see this valued at a lot higher price point than announced. If anything it will hold it’s value for longer than previous drones.
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I will answer what I can.

Yes it does support RAW photos.

HDR from what I have heard leaves something to be desired

It also supports D-Cinelike but Dlog compatibility is saved for the pro line

I doubt DJi will raise the price, however I see this valued at a lot higher price point than announced. If anything it will hold it’s value for longer than previous drones.

I hear raw photos are only 12 mp.
Hopefully someone will get one soon.
Meanwhile after watching many reviews I have some questions.
  • Will it get Litchi support?
  • Does the new app allow adjusting critical parameters for cinema
    • yaw speed, yaw response (EXP curves), smooth braking
    • Does it have cinema/tripod mode
  • How bad is low light noise with the higher density sensor
  • Is it actually 48 mp or some fancy bit dancing
  • Is the HDR actually effective?
    • Can it be used with RAW or just JPG
    • What color mode for cinema
  • Finally - I heard a reviewer opine this is an introductory price that can get raised later
    • Theory being Dji trying to maintain market share with 2 new capable US made drones, trade war, etc.
Opinions or answers welcome. I'm about >< this close to pulling the trigger for photography purposes.

Jumping in with some answers.

Will it get Litchi support?
A: No Litchi support until DJI releases the SDK. Not done so for Mavic Mini, so it will be a while until supported by Litchi (if ever).

Does the new app allow adjusting critical parameters for cinema
yaw speed, yaw response (EXP curves), smooth braking
A: Not yet but might come in a future DJI Fly update. Also Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation tuning is missing.

Does it have cinema/tripod mode
A: Only tripod mode on the remote (far-left position)

How bad is low light noise with the higher density sensor
A: Depends on your expectations really :). Better than the OG Air (for both 12/48 MP modes) but worse than MP2 when compared. For video I still recommend using the NeatVideo plugin for noise reduction.

Is it actually 48 mp or some fancy bit dancing
A: The sensor really is 48 MP. DNGs are 48 MP. Not to be compared in quality however with the MP2 20 MP DNGs.
MP count is mostly a marketing gimmick and can actually help in a real life situation in good light for crops.
You can view the picture quality as follows:
OG Air (12MP) < MA2 (48MP) < MA2 (12MP) < MP2 (20 MP)

Is the HDR actually effective?
A: HDR video - yes! It is really nice and one can see the difference. Too bad that the MA2 video is oversharpened by the DJI's software processing without a way to turn it off.
HDR for pictures, see below.

Can it be used with RAW or just JPG
A: For JPG out of the camera, yes. There is a HDR mode.
For RAW, only with bracketing and post-process (as expected).

What color mode for cinema
A: Normal / D-Cinelike. Both without a way to adjust video parameters (Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation)

Finally - I heard a reviewer opine this is an introductory price that can get raised later
Theory being Dji trying to maintain market share with 2 new capable US made drones, trade war, etc.
A: A clear possibility if we consider the MP2's price evolution but this depends on the initial sales.

Personal conclusion:
From a photographer's point of view, this is not a significant quality step up from OG Air, camera quality wise.
The sensor is a bit better in low-light, a bit more dynamic range... but everything is just "extra bits". Nothing outstanding.
From a videographer's point of view, HDR video is really nice, new video modes, but really bad that they have left out the image adjustment settings - Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation.
This is really a downgrade from the original Air. The oversharpening is obvious and not nice in a 4k video if you check fine textures (grass, trees).
The lack of Litchi support is also a downside.
Of course, all of these "MIGHT" get fixed with DJI Fly SW updates and SDK release but this is not certain.
Personal conclusion:
From a photographer's point of view, this is not a significant quality step up from OG Air, camera quality wise.
The sensor is a bit better in low-light, a bit more dynamic range... but everything is just "extra bits". Nothing outstanding.
From a videographer's point of view, HDR video is really nice, new video modes, but really bad that they have left out the image adjustment settings - Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation.
This is really a downgrade from the original Air. The oversharpening is obvious and not nice in a 4k video if you check fine textures (grass, trees).
The lack of Litchi support is also a downside.
Of course, all of these "MIGHT" get fixed with DJI Fly SW updates and SDK release but this is not certain.
You forgot the most important upgrade (at least for me) is Ocusync 2.0. I can't stand having the video link break up while recording.
You forgot the most important upgrade (at least for me) is Ocusync 2.0. I can't stand having the video link break up while recording.

Didn't forget it really...:)
I was subjective about the image quality photo/video wise based on my use case/observations. That's why I also did not mention the very good battery life.
I do not want to bash the drone, it is a good product but there are details that are not mentioned in the overhyped youtube reviews advertorials.
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Jumping in with some answers.
Personal conclusion:
From a photographer's point of view, this is not a significant quality step up from OG Air, camera quality wise.
The sensor is a bit better in low-light, a bit more dynamic range... but everything is just "extra bits". Nothing outstanding.
From a videographer's point of view, HDR video is really nice, new video modes, but really bad that they have left out the image adjustment settings - Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation.
This is really a downgrade from the original Air. The oversharpening is obvious and not nice in a 4k video if you check fine textures (grass, trees).
The lack of Litchi support is also a downside.
Of course, all of these "MIGHT" get fixed with DJI Fly SW updates and SDK release but this is not certain.

Thanks for the very comprehensive run down - I really appreciate the extra effort.
I'm going to email DJI about the video settings - that's just stupid to not have them.
Litchi has responded and said they've been told by DJI that the SDK will be forthcoming this fall.
That's a plus.
Right now I have the original MP so this would decidedly be an upgrade to that.
Had a Spark and it was a fun little bird to fly but ultimately the 2 axis gimbal made me crazy so I sold it.
I also have a Phantom 4 Pro that is still my main flyer but honestly it's a chore dragging along here in the states and impractical for international travel.
Then I'm down to one battery - had 3 poop out on me in that many months. I cringe at buying new ones. ;)
So I'm interested in this little guy for the photography mostly.
I did find out it has AEB with up to 5 exposures so that should handle high DR situations. Sure would be nice to have 10 or 12 bits tho...
Hopefully someone will get one soon.
Meanwhile after watching many reviews I have some questions.
  • Will it get Litchi support?
  • Does the new app allow adjusting critical parameters for cinema
    • yaw speed, yaw response (EXP curves), smooth braking
    • Does it have cinema/tripod mode
  • How bad is low light noise with the higher density sensor
  • Is it actually 48 mp or some fancy bit dancing
  • Is the HDR actually effective?
    • Can it be used with RAW or just JPG
    • What color mode for cinema
  • Finally - I heard a reviewer opine this is an introductory price that can get raised later
    • Theory being Dji trying to maintain market share with 2 new capable US made drones, trade war, etc.
Opinions or answers welcome. I'm about >< this close to pulling the trigger for photography purposes.

I will probably sell it if there is no Litchi/waypoint mission support.
Jumping in with some answers.

Will it get Litchi support?
A: No Litchi support until DJI releases the SDK. Not done so for Mavic Mini, so it will be a while until supported by Litchi (if ever).

Does the new app allow adjusting critical parameters for cinema
yaw speed, yaw response (EXP curves), smooth braking
A: Not yet but might come in a future DJI Fly update. Also Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation tuning is missing.

Does it have cinema/tripod mode
A: Only tripod mode on the remote (far-left position)

How bad is low light noise with the higher density sensor
A: Depends on your expectations really :). Better than the OG Air (for both 12/48 MP modes) but worse than MP2 when compared. For video I still recommend using the NeatVideo plugin for noise reduction.

Is it actually 48 mp or some fancy bit dancing
A: The sensor really is 48 MP. DNGs are 48 MP. Not to be compared in quality however with the MP2 20 MP DNGs.
MP count is mostly a marketing gimmick and can actually help in a real life situation in good light for crops.
You can view the picture quality as follows:
OG Air (12MP) < MA2 (48MP) < MA2 (12MP) < MP2 (20 MP)

Is the HDR actually effective?
A: HDR video - yes! It is really nice and one can see the difference. Too bad that the MA2 video is oversharpened by the DJI's software processing without a way to turn it off.
HDR for pictures, see below.

Can it be used with RAW or just JPG
A: For JPG out of the camera, yes. There is a HDR mode.
For RAW, only with bracketing and post-process (as expected).

What color mode for cinema
A: Normal / D-Cinelike. Both without a way to adjust video parameters (Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation)

Finally - I heard a reviewer opine this is an introductory price that can get raised later
Theory being Dji trying to maintain market share with 2 new capable US made drones, trade war, etc.
A: A clear possibility if we consider the MP2's price evolution but this depends on the initial sales.

Personal conclusion:
From a photographer's point of view, this is not a significant quality step up from OG Air, camera quality wise.
The sensor is a bit better in low-light, a bit more dynamic range... but everything is just "extra bits". Nothing outstanding.
From a videographer's point of view, HDR video is really nice, new video modes, but really bad that they have left out the image adjustment settings - Sharpness/Contrast/Saturation.
This is really a downgrade from the original Air. The oversharpening is obvious and not nice in a 4k video if you check fine textures (grass, trees).
The lack of Litchi support is also a downside.
Of course, all of these "MIGHT" get fixed with DJI Fly SW updates and SDK release but this is not certain.
Agree re oversharpening and lack of contrast/sharpness controls. BTW one reviewer was saying no 4k for Quickshots which is a big bummer if true. Have you heard any different?
It seems like the Fly App will be the app going forward for consumer level drones. I'm fairly sure some of the missing controls (sensitivity and the video controls) will have to make it to the app for the Pro 3. The question remains will they release those functions earlier for the Air 2? And if they release those controls for the Pro 3, will they artificially leave them unavailable for the Air 2 to keep the separation and justify the price differences?

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