I just got a Mavic Air 2 brand new from Amazon, and I'm having issues with some weird unwanted video compression/codec, and also getting grain/noise while shooting in broad daylight. You can see it if you look closely at the tree foliage. I shot this in particular clip in 4K, but this problem occurs in any resolution, framerate, codec, or file type (I've tested every possible Mavic video setting variable). You can see the difference most clearly in the side by side comparison (left is 4k video, right is a still photo). What do you guys think the problem is and how can I fix this? Or does this footage look normal to you?

I would appreciate any help, because I'm trying to determine if I need to return the Mavic if it's defective somehow. Thanks!
Link to download the RAW clip & photo: drive.google.com/drive/folders/1hSKdf-io1A7kWcN-9FuRzYqsMVH4936f?usp=sharing.