Yesterday I was flying and lost connection.
The drone started to come back and then it seems that it made a flip off at 300 ft and crashed pretty hard into a river (unrecoverable).
I was using latest firmware 500.
Here is the logs.
Do you think DJI will answer something on this case?
This was a pretty dangers situation, the drone crash site was 15 meter from my position... Someone could have been seriously injured.
I'm not 100% that the drone did the flip off, but the motors were turned off while on flight.
The drone started to come back and then it seems that it made a flip off at 300 ft and crashed pretty hard into a river (unrecoverable).
I was using latest firmware 500.
Here is the logs.
Do you think DJI will answer something on this case?
This was a pretty dangers situation, the drone crash site was 15 meter from my position... Someone could have been seriously injured.
I'm not 100% that the drone did the flip off, but the motors were turned off while on flight.