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Mavic mini flight time and charging batteries


May 10, 2020
United states
Hello to all and just joined the forum a I'm disappointed in the flight times I've been getting with the mini most say 30 minutes of flight time at most, but I have not been getting even close to that at all. I

So does any one have a suggestion on how to properly chaget he batteries to get the most out of them? I'm looking to shoot timestamp vids and HDR photos only since the camera is a small sensor camera and it doesn't shoot in RAW but only jpg so I wouldnt6havevto stay in the air that long to achieve these photos.

Always checking wind guide and I hardly fly in sports mode. Maybe just cina smooth shooting at 2.7K @ 24fps shouldn't drain my batteries that fast, but cmon DJI!! so I'm very, very disappointed with the false advertisement given by DJI about these batteries

Thanks to those that read this and reply ?
welcome to the forum,the times quoted for flight times are in perfect conditions, and are not real world times, there are so so many variables, that it would be very rare if you could achieve such flight times
what you have to remember is the quoted time ,is really a could be possible time ,not a absolute ,its similar to mileage range for vehicles the real world amount and the quoted amount
Ninjad by old man mavic ;)

Hi Origme welcome to Mavic Pilots.

Can’t comment on the Mini as I don't have one.
DJI do say up to 30 minutes flight time but that will be taken in perfect conditions and they managed it once or twice, they get away with it by stating up to, it’s the same with most manufactures performance claims, possible but unlikely in real world usage.

Obviously I could be wrong so I would also like to see what our members who have a MM get as real world flight times.
Welcome to the forum. I also fly a MM and have many flights. I have not seen, nor expect, 30 minute flights. Checked my Air data app, and I am happy with 23-25 minutes. I agree what Old Man and Cyborb said. You will find plenty of support and helpful advice. We look forward to seeing your part of the world.
Welcome to the forum! I also fly an MM and to be honest, to avoid straining the batteries, I do not let them drain below 20%.

As the other members have said, 30 minutes is measured in ideal flying conditions so its a theoretical quoted time (just as fuel consumption in cars, you can never achieve what the manufacturer states!).
Welcome to Mavic Pilots .
I hope you will find our site helpful and look forward to any input , photo's/video's you might post .
Don't be shy and ask anything if you can't find it by searching . :)
Welcome to Mavic Pilots! :) Enjoy the forum!Thumbswayup
According to my flight data, I get 18-22 minutes per battery, however, I seldom let it go below 20%. Bad things can happen when you wring the battery dry. I hear it’s not good for the battery plus running out of power can be unhealthy for the drone.?
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As stated above, 30 min. is in perfect conditions and there are many variables to effect your flight time, and with the safety measure of not letting it get below 15-20% you are looking at a flight time probably somewhere in the low 20 minutes range. Proper storage and leaving your batteries half charged when storing them can also protect the life of your battery and ensure that you get optimal flight time. Any damage to the battery can result in much less flight time.
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I typically get 23 minutes per battery. That seems to be the consensus.
I don't ever recall getting less than 20 minutes flight time and I have 5 batteries and 2 mini's. By then I'm usually below 20% so I bring it in regardless if I could fly longer. If you are disappointed with 20 minutes than this is probably the wrong bird for you.
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