You had a short glitch in your connection at 363sec & a connection warning at 240secThanks for your reply. The first time I lost connection during the flight I just assumed the drone was too far away. The warning message popped up on my screen - after 1 or 2 seconds of this occurring the connection went back to normal. I started to turn back then got the message again. This was the final message on my device, all contact with the drone was lost.
How can you check to see if that file is on my device? I went into the files of my phone then into the DJI Fly app docs. I didn’t see the file in the flight records folder, is it located somewhere else?

And from the messages

To retrieve the DAT log look here --> Flight log retrieval and analysis guide read under point 3. The file we are after ends with FLY047.DAT ... Attach then in a post here.